French Adjectives That Start with N

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When learning French, expanding your vocabulary with adjectives is essential. In this article, we will look into some common French adjectives that start with the letter “N”.


Notable Adjectives Starting with N

Here are some notable French adjectives beginning with “N”:

  • Naïf / Naïve: This adjective means “naive”. It is used to describe someone who is innocent or lacks experience.
  • Nerveux / Nerveuse: Meaning “nervous,” this adjective describes someone who is easily agitated or tense.
  • Nécessaire: This translates to “necessary.” It is used to describe something that is needed or required.
  • Négatif / Négative: Meaning “negative,” this adjective is used to describe a pessimistic attitude or an unfavorable situation.
  • Neuf / Neuve: This adjective means “new” and is used to describe something that is recently made or acquired.
  • Nocturne: Translating to “nocturnal,” this adjective describes someone or something active during the night.
  • Normal / Normale: This means “normal.” It describes something that is usual, standard, or expected.
  • Nouveau / Nouvelle: Meaning “new,” this is used to describe something or someone that is recently introduced or discovered.


Lesser-Known Adjectives Starting with N

Below are some lesser-known French adjectives that also begin with “N”:

  • Navré / Navrée: This adjective means “sorry” or “heartbroken.” It is used to express deep regret or sorrow.
  • Nuisible: Translating to “harmful,” this adjective describes something that is damaging or detrimental.
  • Nuancé / Nuancée: This means “nuanced.” It describes something that has subtle differences or shades of meaning.
  • Notoire: Meaning “notorious,” this adjective is used to describe someone or something well known, usually for negative reasons.
  • Noueux / Noueuse: This translates to “gnarled” and describes something that is knotted or twisted, often used for trees or wood.
  • Nébuleux / Nébuleuse: Meaning “nebulous,” this adjective describes something that is vague, unclear, or ill-defined.
  • Natif / Native: Translating to “native,” this adjective is used to describe someone or something originating from a particular place.
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