French Adjectives That Start with V

Let's look into a list of French adjectives that start with the letter V. These adjectives are commonly used in various contexts and add rich descriptions to the French language.


List of French Adjectives Starting With V

  • Vaillant: Brave or valiant. This adjective is often used to describe someone who shows courage and determination.
  • Vaporeux: Misty or vaporous. It describes something that is hazy or shrouded in mist.
  • Varié: Varied. It denotes diversity or a range of different elements.
  • Vaste: Vast or spacious. This adjective is used to describe something that is very large or expansive.
  • Véritable: Genuine or true. It signifies something that is real or authentic.
  • Vieux: Old. This adjective is commonly used to describe someone or something that has been around for a long time.
  • Vif: Lively or bright. It can describe someone who is energetic or something that is bright in color.
  • Vilain: Naughty or ugly. Depending on the context, it can describe bad behavior or an unattractive appearance.
  • Violet: Purple. This adjective describes the color purple.
  • Viril: Virile or manly. It is used to describe someone who exhibits traditionally masculine qualities.
  • Virtuel: Virtual. This adjective refers to something that exists in a virtual or digital space.
  • Visible: Visible. It describes something that can be seen or is noticeable.
  • Vivant: Living or alive. It can describe someone who is alive or something that is full of life.
  • Vite: Fast or quick. This adjective is used to describe something that moves or happens rapidly.
  • Volumineux: Bulky or voluminous. It describes something that takes up a lot of space or is large in volume.
  • Voyant: Flashy or noticeable. It describes something that is very visible or attracts attention.
  • Vulnérable: Vulnerable. It describes someone or something that is susceptible to harm or attack.

By familiarizing yourself with these adjectives, you can enhance your descriptive vocabulary in French.