Adjectives with Q in German

In this article, we will look into German adjectives that start with the letter Q. Below is a comprehensive list of these adjectives.


List of German Adjectives Starting with Q


Translation: Qualified

Example: Sie ist eine qualifizierte Ärztin.

Translation of the example: She is a qualified doctor.



Translation: Quantitative

Example: Wir benötigen quantitative Daten.

Translation of the example: We need quantitative data.



Translation: Painful, agonizing

Example: Die Wartezeit war quälend.

Translation of the example: The waiting time was agonizing.



Translation: Torturable

Example: Der Hund ist nicht quälbar.

Translation of the example: The dog is not torturable.



Translation: Diagonal, transverse

Example: Er legte das Buch quer auf den Tisch.

Translation of the example: He placed the book diagonally on the table.



Translation: Querulous, complaining

Example: Sein Verhalten war querulantisch.

Translation of the example: His behavior was querulous.



Translation: Squeaky

Example: Die Tür war quietschend.

Translation of the example: The door was squeaky.



Translation: Quintessential

Example: Diese Idee ist quintessentiell für das Projekt.

Translation of the example: This idea is quintessential for the project.



Translation: Quinary, fifth in a series

Example: Das ist die quintäre Ebene des Modells.

Translation of the example: This is the quinary level of the model.



Translation: Spirited, lively

Example: Das Kind ist sehr quirlig.

Translation of the example: The child is very lively.



Translation: Quoted

Example: Der Artikel war stark quotiert.

Translation of the example: The article was heavily quoted.


Understanding these adjectives can enhance your German vocabulary, especially if you are dealing with specialized texts or want to expand your descriptive language skills.