Adjectifs Attribut et Épithète (with Excercises)

In French grammar, adjectives serve to describe nouns, but their role can vary. Understanding the distinction between “adjectif attribut” and “adjectif épithète” is crucial for accurate usage and comprehension.

Adjectif Attribut

An adjectif attribut (attributive adjective) is used with a linking verb such as “être” (to be) or “devenir” (to become). It describes the subject of the sentence and provides essential information about it. For example:

  • Le ciel est bleu (The sky is blue).

Here, “bleu” is the attributive adjective because it describes the state of the subject “le ciel” through the verb “est”.

Adjectif Épithète

An adjectif épithète (epithetic adjective) is used directly before or after a noun without a linking verb. It adds detail or qualifies the noun but is not necessary to the core meaning of the sentence. For example:

  • Une robe rouge (A red dress).

In this case, “rouge” is the epithetic adjective because it provides additional detail about the noun “robe” without the need for a verb.

Adjectives Starting with X

There are not many adjectives in French starting with the letter “X”, but here is a list with descriptions:

  • Xénophile: This adjective describes someone who is fond of or attracted to foreign cultures or people. It contrasts with “xénophobe”, which refers to someone who is fearful of foreigners.

  • Xénophobe: Used to describe someone who has an irrational fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers. This term is often used in discussions of prejudice and discrimination.

These adjectives starting with “X” are relatively rare and often appear in specific contexts relating to cultural or social attitudes.



Here are a few exercises to practice understanding and using adjectif attribut and adjectif épithète, as well as some exercises involving adjectives starting with the letter “X”:

Exercises on Adjectif Attribut vs. Adjectif Épithète

Exercise 1: Identify the Adjective Type

Determine whether the adjectives in the following sentences are adjectifs attributs or adjectifs épithètes.

  1. Le jardin est verdoyant.
  2. Elle porte une belle robe.
  3. Le gâteau semble délicieux.
  4. Il a une voiture rapide.
  5. Ce tableau est ancien.

Exercise 2: Transform Sentences

Rewrite the sentences below by changing the adjectives from adjectifs attributs to adjectifs épithètes, or vice versa.

  1. La maison est grande.
  2. Nous avons acheté une table ronde.
  3. L'exercice paraît facile.
  4. Il a vu une étoile filante.
  5. Le film semble intéressant.

Exercises with Adjectives Starting with X

Exercise 3: Match the Adjective

Match the adjective starting with “X” to its correct definition.

  1. Xénophile
  2. Xénophobe

Definitions: a. Someone who is fond of foreign cultures.
b. Someone who has an irrational fear of foreigners.

Exercise 4: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective starting with “X.”

  1. A __________ person might enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures.
  2. __________ behavior is often seen in individuals who are not open to different cultures or people.

Exercise 5: Sentence Creation

Create sentences using the adjectives xénophile and xénophobe.

  1. Write a sentence describing a person who is xénophile.
  2. Write a sentence describing a person who is xénophobe.