“Voyager” – Conjugation of the French Verb

Voyager, meaning “to travel” in English, is a versatile and commonly used verb in the French language. Learning how to conjugate this verb is essential for anyone looking to communicate effectively in French. In this article, we will explore the conjugation of “voyager” in different tenses and moods to help you use it correctly in various contexts.


Present Indicative

In the present indicative tense, “voyager” is conjugated as follows:

– Je voyage (I travel)
– Tu voyages (You travel)
– Il/elle/on voyage (He/she/one travels)
– Nous voyageons (We travel)
– Vous voyagez (You travel)
– Ils/elles voyagent (They travel)


Past Indicative

For the past indicative tense, the conjugation is as follows:

– J'ai voyagé (I traveled)
– Tu as voyagé (You traveled)
– Il/elle/on a voyagé (He/she/one traveled)
– Nous avons voyagé (We traveled)
– Vous avez voyagé (You traveled)
– Ils/elles ont voyagé (They traveled)


Future Indicative

When talking about future actions, use the future indicative tense:

– Je voyagerai (I will travel)
– Tu voyageras (You will travel)
– Il/elle/on voyagera (He/she/one will travel)
– Nous voyagerons (We will travel)
– Vous voyagerez (You will travel)
– Ils/elles voyageront (They will travel)



In the conditional mood, “voyager” is conjugated as follows:

– Je voyagerais (I would travel)
– Tu voyagerais (You would travel)
– Il/elle/on voyagerait (He/she/one would travel)
– Nous voyagerions (We would travel)
– Vous voyageriez (You would travel)
– Ils/elles voyageraient (They would travel)



The subjunctive mood is used to express uncertainty, doubt, or desire. The conjugation of “voyager” in the subjunctive is as follows:

– Que je voyage (That I travel)
– Que tu voyages (That you travel)
– Qu'il/elle/on voyage (That he/she/one travels)
– Que nous voyagions (That we travel)
– Que vous voyagiez (That you travel)
– Qu'ils/elles voyagent (That they travel)



In the imperative mood, which is used for giving commands or instructions, the conjugation of “voyager” is as follows:

– Voyage (Travel) – for the informal singular “tu” form
– Voyageons (Let's travel) – for the “nous” form
– Voyagez (Travel) – for the formal singular “vous” and plural “vous” forms


10 example sentences with the word “voyager”

Here are 10 example sentences with the word “voyager” in different grammatical tenses:

  1. Je voyage en France chaque été. (I travel to France every summer.) – Present Indicative
  2. J'ai voyagé en Asie l'année dernière. (I traveled to Asia last year.) – Past Indicative
  3. Elle voyagera en Espagne demain. (She will travel to Spain tomorrow.) – Future Indicative
  4. Si j'avais plus d'argent, je voyagerais davantage. (If I had more money, I would travel more.) – Conditional
  5. Il faut que tu voyages plus souvent. (You need to travel more often.) – Subjunctive
  6. Voyageons ensemble à travers le monde ! (Let's travel the world together!) – Imperative
  7. Quand je voyage, j'aime découvrir de nouvelles cultures. (When I travel, I enjoy discovering new cultures.) – Present Indicative
  8. Nous avions voyagé pendant des heures avant d'arriver à destination. (We had traveled for hours before reaching our destination.) – Past Indicative
  9. Si vous gagnez à la loterie, vous voyagerez partout. (If you win the lottery, you will travel everywhere.) – Future Indicative
  10. Je serais heureux si nous pouvions voyager ensemble. (I would be happy if we could travel together.) – Conditional

These sentences showcase how the verb “voyager” can be used in various tenses to describe different travel-related situations and actions.