Adjectives with M

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. Here’s a comprehensive list of adjectives starting with the letter M:

Common Adjectives Starting with M

  • Macho: Displaying qualities considered manly or strong.
  • Mad: Angry or mentally disturbed.
  • Magenta: A purplish-red color.
  • Magnificent: Impressively beautiful or grand.
  • Malevolent: Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
  • Malleable: Capable of being shaped or bent.
  • Manly: Having qualities traditionally associated with men.
  • Massive: Extremely large or heavy.
  • Mellow: Soft, rich, and well-aged, often used for personality or flavors.
  • Memorable: Worth remembering; easily remembered.
  • Mighty: Having great strength or power.
  • Modern: Relating to the present or recent times.
  • Modest: Unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
  • Mysterious: Difficult to understand or explain; enigmatic.

Descriptive Adjectives Starting with M

  • Majestic: Having grandeur or beauty that inspires awe.
  • Mild: Gentle and not severe or strong.
  • Monotonous: Lacking in variety and interest; tedious.
  • Muddy: Covered with or resembling mud.
  • Morose: Sullen and ill-tempered.
  • Mosaic: Made up of various elements to create a unified whole.
  • Magical: Having the quality of magic; enchanting.
  • Morbid: Characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects.

Adjectives Describing Personality or Behavior with M

  • Meek: Quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on.
  • Manipulative: Skillfully controlling or influencing others for one's own advantage.
  • Meticulous: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  • Melancholic: Feeling or showing sadness or sorrow.
  • Merry: Cheerful and lively.

Adjectives with Specific Uses Starting with M

  • Multicolored: Having many colors.
  • Magnetic: Able to attract or pull objects toward itself; charming and compelling.
  • Menacing: Suggesting the presence of danger; threatening.
  • Mystical: Relating to mysticism or spiritual mystery.