Adjectives with R in German

Here is a list of German adjectives starting with the letter “R”.


List of German Adjectives Starting with R

Rabiat (raging, violent)

Rachsüchtig (vindictive, vengeful)

Raffiniert (refined, sophisticated)

Rasch (quick, rapid)

Rasant (fast, speedy)

Ratlos (perplexed, helpless)

Rätselhaft (mysterious, enigmatic)

Rauchig (smoky)

Rauh (rough, harsh)

Rebellisch (rebellious)

Rechtlich (legal, lawful)

Rechtschaffen (righteous, upright)

Rechtswidrig (illegal, unlawful)

Redselig (talkative, loquacious)

Regellos (unruly, disorderly)

Regelmäßig (regular, consistent)

Reif (mature, ripe)

Rein (pure, clean)

Reizbar (irritable, touchy)

Reizend (charming, delightful)

Religiös (religious)

Renitent (recalcitrant, stubborn)

Rentabel (profitable, lucrative)

Respektabel (respectable)

Respektlos (disrespectful)

Respektvoll (respectful)

Restlos (complete, total)

Richtig (correct, right)

Rigoros (rigorous, strict)

Risikofreudig (risk-taking)

Robust (robust, sturdy)

Romantisch (romantic)

Rückhaltlos (unreserved, outspoken)

Rücksichtslos (reckless, inconsiderate)

Rücksichtsvoll (considerate, thoughtful)

Rückständig (backward, outdated)

Rührend (touching, moving)

Ruhig (calm, quiet)