“Mourir” – Conjugation of the French Verb

Mourir, meaning “to die” in French, is an essential verb that is frequently used in everyday conversations and literature. It belongs to the third group of French verbs, which are known as irregular verbs due to their unpredictable conjugation patterns. In this article, we will explore how to conjugate “mourir” in various tenses and moods.


Present Indicative

The present indicative tense is used to describe actions or states that are happening in the present. Here is how “mourir” is conjugated in the present indicative tense:

– Je meurs (I die)
– Tu meurs (You die)
– Il/elle/on meurt (He/she/one dies)
– Nous mourons (We die)
– Vous mourez (You die)
– Ils/elles meurent (They die)


Past Indicative

The past indicative tense is used to talk about actions that happened in the past. Here's how “mourir” is conjugated in the past indicative tense:

– Je suis mort(e) (I died)
– Tu es mort(e) (You died)
– Il/elle/on est mort(e) (He/she/one died)
– Nous sommes morts(es) (We died)
– Vous êtes mort(e)s (You died)
– Ils/elles sont morts(es) (They died)


Future Indicative

To express future actions or events, you can use the future indicative tense. Conjugating “mourir” in the future tense is relatively straightforward:

– Je mourrai (I will die)
– Tu mourras (You will die)
– Il/elle/on mourra (He/she/one will die)
– Nous mourrons (We will die)
– Vous mourrez (You will die)
– Ils/elles mourront (They will die)



The conditional mood is used to express hypothetical actions or events. To conjugate “mourir” in the conditional mood, use the following forms:

– Je mourrais (I would die)
– Tu mourrais (You would die)
– Il/elle/on mourrait (He/she/one would die)
– Nous mourrions (We would die)
– Vous mourriez (You would die)
– Ils/elles mourraient (They would die)



The subjunctive mood is often used in dependent clauses to express doubt, wishes, emotions, and other subjective ideas. Here are the subjunctive forms of “mourir”:

– Que je meure (That I die)
– Que tu meures (That you die)
– Qu'il/elle/on meure (That he/she/one die)
– Que nous mourions (That we die)
– Que vous mouriez (That you die)
– Qu'ils/elles meurent (That they die)



The imperative mood is used for giving commands or making requests. The imperative forms of “mourir” are:

– Meurs (Die) – Informal singular
– Mourons (Let's die) – First-person plural
– Mourez (Die) – Formal singular and plural


10 example sentences with the word “mourir”

Here are 10 example sentences with the word “mourir” in different grammatical tenses:

  1. Je meurs d'impatience de te voir. (I am dying of impatience to see you.) – Present Indicative
  2. Il est mort il y a dix ans. (He died ten years ago.) – Past Indicative
  3. Nous mourrons tous un jour. (We will all die one day.) – Future Indicative
  4. Si j'étais malade, je mourrais de faim. (If I were sick, I would starve to death.) – Conditional
  5. Je crains qu'il ne meure avant l'arrivée des secours. (I fear he may die before help arrives.) – Subjunctive
  6. Mourons ensemble pour une cause noble. (Let's die together for a noble cause.) – Imperative
  7. Elle a peur de mourir seule. (She is afraid to die alone.) – Present Indicative
  8. Après sa longue maladie, il est enfin mort en paix. (After his long illness, he finally died peacefully.) – Past Indicative
  9. Si tu continues à fumer, tu mourras prématurément. (If you continue to smoke, you will die prematurely.) – Future Indicative
  10. Il faut que nous trouvions un moyen de ne pas mourir de froid. (We need to find a way not to freeze to death.) – Subjunctive