The French language is known for its intricate verb conjugations, and one of the essential verbs you'll encounter is “rester.” In this article, we'll dive into the conjugation of the verb “rester” in various tenses and moods.
Present Indicative
In the present indicative tense, “rester” is conjugated as follows:
– Je reste (I stay)
– Tu restes (You stay, singular informal)
– Il/elle/on reste (He/she/one stays)
– Nous restons (We stay)
– Vous restez (You stay, formal or plural)
– Ils/elles restent (They stay)
Past Indicative
To talk about the past in the indicative mood, you can use the passé composé tense. It is formed using the auxiliary verb “être” and the past participle “resté.”
– J'ai resté (I stayed)
– Tu as resté (You stayed, singular informal)
– Il/elle/on a resté (He/she/one stayed)
– Nous avons resté (We stayed)
– Vous avez resté (You stayed, formal or plural)
– Ils/elles ont resté (They stayed)
Future Indicative
For actions in the future, the future indicative tense is used:
– Je resterai (I will stay)
– Tu resteras (You will stay, singular informal)
– Il/elle/on restera (He/she/one will stay)
– Nous resterons (We will stay)
– Vous resterez (You will stay, formal or plural)
– Ils/elles resteront (They will stay)
The conditional mood is used to express hypothetical situations or polite requests. To conjugate “rester” in the conditional, follow this pattern:
– Je resterais (I would stay)
– Tu resterais (You would stay, singular informal)
– Il/elle/on resterait (He/she/one would stay)
– Nous resterions (We would stay)
– Vous resteriez (You would stay, formal or plural)
– Ils/elles resteraient (They would stay)
The imperative mood is used for giving commands or making requests. Here are the imperative forms of “rester”:
– Reste (Stay, singular informal)
– Restons (Let's stay)
– Restez (Stay, formal or plural)
Present Participle and Gerund
The present participle of “rester” is “restant”, and it can also be used as a gerund:
– En restant calme (Staying calm)
10 example sentences with the word “rester”
Here are 10 example sentences with the word “rester” in different grammatical tenses:
- Je reste à la maison aujourd'hui. (I stay at home today.) – Present Indicative
- Elle est restée en France tout l'été. (She stayed in France all summer.) – Past Indicative
- Nous resterons amis pour toujours. (We will stay friends forever.) – Future Indicative
- Si j'avais le temps, je resterais plus longtemps. (If I had the time, I would stay longer.) – Conditional
- Reste calme dans cette situation. (Stay calm in this situation.) – Imperative
- Il était en train de rester concentré pendant la réunion. (He was staying focused during the meeting.) – Present Participle
- Elle a resté chez ses grands-parents le week-end dernier. (She stayed at her grandparents' last weekend.) – Past Participle
- Si vous restiez silencieux, vous éviteriez les ennuis. (If you stayed silent, you would avoid trouble.) – Conditional
- En restant actif, on peut rester en bonne santé. (By staying active, one can stay healthy.) – Gerund
- Ils resteront ensemble jusqu'à la fin de leurs jours. (They will stay together until the end of their days.) – Future Indicative
These examples showcase how the verb “rester” can be used in various tenses and moods to convey different meanings and nuances in French.