“Tomber” – Conjugation of the French Verb

The French language is known for its intricate conjugation of verbs, and one such verb that follows this pattern is “tomber”, which means “to fall” in English. In this article, we will explore the conjugation of the verb “tomber” in various tenses and forms, allowing you to use it correctly in different situations.


Present Tense

In the present tense, “tomber” is conjugated as follows:

– Je tombe (I fall)
– Tu tombes (You fall)
– Il/elle/on tombe (He/she/one falls)
– Nous tombons (We fall)
– Vous tombez (You fall)
– Ils/elles tombent (They fall)


Past Tenses


Passé Composé (Present Perfect)

To form the passé composé of “tomber”, you will need to use the auxiliary verb “être” along with the past participle “tombé.”

– Je suis tombé(e) (I fell)
– Tu es tombé(e) (You fell)
– Il/elle/on est tombé(e) (He/she/one fell)
– Nous sommes tombé(e)s (We fell)
– Vous êtes tombé(e)(s) (You fell)
– Ils/elles sont tombé(e)s (They fell)


Imparfait (Imperfect)

The imperfect tense of “tomber” is used to describe ongoing or habitual actions in the past. Here's how it's conjugated:

– Je tombais (I used to fall)
– Tu tombais (You used to fall)
– Il/elle/on tombait (He/she/one used to fall)
– Nous tombions (We used to fall)
– Vous tombiez (You used to fall)
– Ils/elles tombaient (They used to fall)


Future Tense

In the future tense, “tomber” is conjugated as follows:

– Je tomberai (I will fall)
– Tu tomberas (You will fall)
– Il/elle/on tombera (He/she/one will fall)
– Nous tomberons (We will fall)
– Vous tomberez (You will fall)
– Ils/elles tomberont (They will fall)


Conditional Mood

The conditional mood is used to express hypothetical or uncertain actions. Here's how “tomber” is conjugated in the conditional tense:

– Je tomberais (I would fall)
– Tu tomberais (You would fall)
– Il/elle/on tomberait (He/she/one would fall)
– Nous tomberions (We would fall)
– Vous tomberiez (You would fall)
– Ils/elles tomberaient (They would fall)


Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood is used in various situations, including expressing doubt, desire, or necessity. The conjugation of “tomber” in the subjunctive mood is as follows:

– Que je tombe (That I fall)
– Que tu tombes (That you fall)
– Qu'il/elle/on tombe (That he/she/one falls)
– Que nous tombions (That we fall)
– Que vous tombiez (That you fall)
– Qu'ils/elles tombent (That they fall)


10 example sentences with the word “tomber”

Here are 10 example sentences with the word “tomber” in different grammatical tenses:

  1. Je tombe de vélo. (I fall from the bike) – Present Tense
  2. Tu es tombé hier soir. (You fell last night) – Passé Composé
  3. Il tombait quand il a glissé. (He was falling when he slipped) – Imparfait
  4. Nous tomberons demain matin. (We will fall tomorrow morning) – Future Tense
  5. Elle tomberait si elle ne faisait pas attention. (She would fall if she didn't pay attention) – Conditional Mood
  6. Il faut que tu ne tombes pas. (You must not fall) – Subjunctive Mood
  7. Après avoir sauté, ils sont tombés doucement. (After jumping, they fell softly) – Passé Composé
  8. Quand j'ai marché sur la glace, j'ai failli tomber. (When I walked on the ice, I almost fell) – Passé Composé
  9. En hiver, la neige peut faire tomber des branches. (In winter, snow can make branches fall) – Present Tense
  10. Avant de partir en voyage, vérifiez que tout est bien tombé dans la valise. (Before leaving for the trip, make sure everything has fallen into the suitcase) – Subjunctive Mood