Ord, der starter med O på spansk

The Spanish language has a variety of words starting with the letter O. Here’s a comprehensive list along with brief descriptions for each term:

  • Obedecer – To obey; to comply with commands or instructions.
  • Obra – Work or piece of work, often referring to a work of art, literature, or construction.
  • Obra maestra – Masterpiece; a work of outstanding artistry or craftsmanship.
  • Objeto – Object; a thing that can be perceived by the senses or has a specific function.
  • Obligación – Obligation; a duty or commitment that one is bound to perform.
  • Obligar – To compel or force someone to do something.
  • Obstáculo – Obstacle; something that blocks or hinders progress.
  • Oído – Ear; the organ of hearing or the sense of hearing.
  • Ojo – Eye; the organ of sight or the ability to see.
  • Olvidar – To forget; to fail to remember.
  • Omar – A common Spanish name, often used as a proper noun.
  • Onda – Wave; a disturbance that travels through space or a medium, often referring to sound or light waves.
  • Onomatopeya – Onomatopoeia; a word that phonetically imitates or resembles the sound it describes.
  • Oportunidad – Opportunity; a favorable situation or chance to do something.
  • Oprima – Press; a verb used in commands or instructions to indicate the act of applying pressure.
  • Oso – Bear; a large mammal known for its size and strength.
  • Otoño – Autumn; the season between summer and winter.
  • Otro – Another or other; used to refer to something additional or different.
  • Óvulo – Ovum; a female reproductive cell or egg.
  • Óptimo – Optimal; the best or most effective condition or situation.
  • Ópera – Opera; a dramatic work combining text and musical score, typically performed in a theater.
  • Órgano – Organ; a part of a living organism with a specific function, or a musical instrument with keys and pipes.
  • Óxido – Oxide; a chemical compound formed by the reaction of oxygen with another element.

This list includes a range of everyday terms as well as specific jargon, covering various uses and contexts within the Spanish language.