Words that starts with A in German

If you’re looking to expand your German vocabulary, starting with words that begin with the letter A is a great way to begin. Here’s a comprehensive list of German words starting with A, along with a brief description of each:

  • Abend – Evening; the time of day between the late afternoon and night.
  • Abenteuer – Adventure; an unusual, exciting, or daring experience.
  • Abfahrt – Departure; the act of leaving, especially from a place.
  • Abfall – Waste; materials that are discarded or no longer needed.
  • Abgleich – Adjustment; the process of bringing things into alignment or harmony.
  • Abkommen – Agreement; a mutual arrangement or contract.
  • Abschied – Farewell; the act of saying goodbye.
  • Abstimmung – Vote; the process of expressing a choice or opinion in a formal manner.
  • Abwehr – Defense; the action of protecting or guarding against attacks.
  • Ablauf – Procedure; the sequence of actions or steps taken to achieve a result.
  • Abwesenheit – Absence; the state of being away from a place or person.
  • Acht – Eight; the number following seven.
  • Achtel – Eighth; one part of eight equal divisions of a whole.
  • Achtung – Attention; the act of focusing on something or being alert.
  • Adler – Eagle; a large bird of prey with a powerful build.
  • Agent – Agent; a person who acts on behalf of another, often in a professional context.
  • Aggressiv – Aggressive; showing readiness to attack or confront.
  • Ahnung – Idea; a vague sense or intuition about something.
  • Alkohol – Alcohol; a beverage containing ethanol, used in drinks and medicinally.
  • Allergie – Allergy; an exaggerated response of the immune system to a substance.
  • Alter – Age; the length of time a person has lived or a thing has existed.
  • Aluminium – Aluminum; a lightweight, silver-colored metal used in various applications.
  • Ampel – Traffic light; a signaling device used to control vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • Analysieren – Analyze; to examine something methodically.
  • Anfang – Beginning; the point at which something starts.
  • Ankunft – Arrival; the act of reaching a destination.
  • Anleitung – Instruction; guidance or directions for how to do something.
  • Anmeldung – Registration; the act of enrolling or signing up.
  • Anruf – Phone call; a communication made using a telephone.
  • Anschrift – Address; the location where someone lives or where mail should be sent.
  • Antwort – Answer; a response to a question or request.
  • Apfel – Apple; a round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin and a sweet taste.
  • Apparat – Apparatus; a device or piece of equipment designed for a specific use.
  • Arbeitsplatz – Workplace; the location where someone performs their job duties.
  • Arzt – Doctor; a medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses.
  • Aufgabe – Task; a piece of work or responsibility that needs to be done.
  • Aufnahme – Recording; the act of capturing sounds or images.
  • Aufräumen – Clean up; the process of organizing or tidying a space.
  • Augenblick – Moment; a very short period of time.
  • Ausdruck – Expression; a way of conveying thoughts or feelings.
  • Ausnahme – Exception; something that does not follow the general rule.
  • Auswahl – Selection; the act of choosing from a variety of options.
  • Auto – Car; a vehicle with four wheels powered by an engine.

This list provides a solid foundation of common German words starting with A, each of which can help you build a better understanding of the language.