Words that start with W in Spanish

Words that start with W in Spanish are quite limited compared to other letters. Many of these words are borrowed from English or other languages. Here is a list of Spanish words starting with W, along with a brief description of each:

  • Wafle: A Spanish adaptation of the English word “waffle,” referring to the popular breakfast food made from batter cooked in a waffle iron.

  • Wagon: This term is used to describe a vehicle, often referring to a type of car with a rear cargo area.

  • Wagoneta: A diminutive form of “wagon,” used to refer to a small cart or a type of vehicle similar to a station wagon.

  • Waka-waka: An informal term referring to a dance or rhythm, often associated with traditional or folk music.

  • Whisky: A borrowed term for the alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash, used in both its original and anglicized forms in Spanish.

  • Wok: The name for the traditional Asian cooking pan with a rounded bottom, used for stir-frying and other techniques.

  • Wolverine: This word, borrowed from English, refers to the large, predatory mammal known for its strength and ferocity.

  • Wub: A slang term, often found in digital communication or gaming contexts, describing a rhythmic or musical sound effect.

Each of these words has been adopted into Spanish, often preserving their original meanings or adapting them slightly to fit the language's phonetic and grammatical structure.