Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “F”:
List of French verbs starting with F
- fabriquer: to manufacture
- fabuler: to fabricate (a story)
- faciliter: to facilitate
- facturer: to invoice
- fagoter: to bundle up
- faiblir: schwächen
- faillir: to fail
- fainéanter: to laze around
- faire: to do
- faisander: to tenderize (game)
- falloir: to be necessary
- falsifier: to falsify
- familiariser: to familiarize
- fanatiser: to fanaticize
- faner: to wilt
- fanfaronner: to boast
- fantasmer: to fantasize
- farcirzu den Sachen
- farder: to put on makeup
- farfouiller: to rummage
- fariner: to flour
- farter: to wax (skis)
- fasciner: to fascinate
- fatiguer: to tire
- faucher: to mow
- faufiler: to sneak
- fausser: to distort
- fauter: to misbehave
- favoriser: to favor
- faxer: to fax
- fayoter: to suck up
- façonner: to shape
- feindre: to pretend
- feinter: to feint
- fendiller: to crack slightly
- fendre: to split
- fermenter: to ferment
- fermer: to close
- ferrailler: to fence
- ferrer: to shoe (a horse)
- fertiliser: to fertilize
- fesser: to spank
- festonner: to scallop
- festoyerFestessen
- feuilleter: to leaf through
- feuler: to hiss (like a cat)
- feutrer: to felt
- fiancer: to get engaged
- ficeler: to tie up
- ficher: to file (a document)
- fidéliser: to build loyalty
- fienter: to defecate
- fier: to trust
- figer: to freeze
- fignoler: to polish (work)
- figurer: zu vertreten
- filer: to spin
- filmer: to film
- filouter: to cheat
- filtrer: to filter
- financer: to finance
- finasser: to quibble
- finir: bis zum Ende
- fiscaliser: to tax
- fissurer: to crack
- fixer: to fix
- flageller: to flog
- flageoler: to tremble
- flagorner: to flatter excessively
- flairer: zum Schnüffeln
- flamber: to blaze
- flamboyer: to blaze brightly
- flancher: to falter
- flanquer: to throw
- flasher: to flash
- flatter: to flatter
- flemmarder: to laze around
- fleurer: to smell of
- fleurir: to bloom
- flinguer: to shoot
- flipper: to freak out
- fliquer: to police
- flirter: Flirten
- flotter: to float
- flouer: to cheat
- fluctuer: to fluctuate
- fluidifier: to make fluid
- flâner: to stroll
- flécher: to mark with arrows
- fléchir: to bend
- flétrir: to wither
- focaliser: to focus
- foirer: durcheinanderbringen
- foisonner: im Überfluss vorhanden
- folâtrer: to frolic
- fomenter: to incite
- foncer: zu eilen
- fonctionnariser: to make bureaucratic
- fonctionner: to function
- fonder: to found
- fondre: to melt
- forcer: to force
- forcir: to grow stronger
- forer: to drill
- forger: to forge
- formaliser: to formalize
- formater: to format
- former: to form
- formuler: to formulate
- forniquer: to fornicate
- fortifier: to fortify
- fossiliser: to fossilize
- foudroyer: to strike down
- fouetter: to whip
- fouiller: zum Suchen
- fouiner: to snoop
- fouir: to dig
- fouler: to trample
- fourbir: zum Polieren
- fourcher: to split
- fourgonner: to poke around
- fourguer: to offload
- fourmiller: to swarm
- fournir: zu liefern
- fourrager: to forage
- fourrerzu den Sachen
- fourvoyer: to mislead
- foutre: to do (colloquial)
- fracasser: to smash
- fractionner: to divide
- fracturer: to fracture
- fragiliser: schwächen
- fragmenter: to fragment
- fraiser: to mill
- franchir: to cross
- franchiser: to franchise
- franciser: to Gallicize
- franger: to fringe
- frapper: to hit
- fraterniser: to fraternize
- frauder: to defraud
- frayer: to clear a path
- fraîchirAbkühlung
- fredonner: to hum
- freiner: to brake
- frelater: to adulterate
- fricasser: zu schmoren
- fricoter: zum Schema
- frictionner: to rub
- frigorifier: zum Kühlen
- frimer: to show off
- fringuer: zum Verkleiden
- friper: Faltenbildung
- frire: to fry
- friser: to curl
- frisotter: to crimp
- frissonner: to shiver
- friter: to fry
- fritter: to chip
- froisser: to crease
- froncer: Stirnrunzeln
- frotter: to rub
- froufrouter: to rustle
- fructifier: to bear fruit
- frustrer: to frustrate
- frémir: to shudder
- fréquenter: to frequent
- fréter: zu chartern
- frétiller: to wiggle
- frôler: to brush against
- fuguer: to run away
- fuir: to flee
- fulminer: to fume
- fumer: to smoke
- fureter: to snoop around
- fuser: to gush
- fusiller: to shoot
- fusionner: to merge
- fustiger: to castigate
- fâcher: to anger
- féconder: to fertilize
- fédéraliser: to federalize
- fédérer: to federate
- féliciter: to congratulate
- féminiser: to feminize
- férir: to hit
- fêler: to crack
- fêter: to celebrate