When learning Spanish, expanding your vocabulary with words starting with the letter L can be quite useful. Here’s a comprehensive list of such words along with brief descriptions for each.
- Laberinto – A labyrinth or maze; a complex structure of interconnected passages.
- Lago – Lake; a large body of water surrounded by land.
- Lago – Used to refer to a pond or a smaller body of water, though “lago” is more commonly used for larger lakes.
- Lámpara – Lamp; an object used to produce light.
- Lana – Wool; the soft, curly fiber obtained from sheep and other animals, used for making textiles.
- Largo – Long; used to describe something of considerable length.
- Latido – Heartbeat; the pulsation or rhythmic contraction of the heart.
- Lentitud – Slowness; the quality of moving or operating at a slow pace.
- Lento – Slow; used to describe something that takes a long time to happen or move.
- Leche – Milk; a nutrient-rich liquid produced by mammals for feeding their young.
- Lector – Reader; someone who reads or a device used for reading electronic content.
- Lago – Although similar in spelling, “lago” can sometimes be used to describe different sizes or types of water bodies depending on regional usage.
- Ley – Law; a rule or set of rules established by a government or institution.
- Lucha – Struggle; a vigorous effort or conflict, often to overcome obstacles.
- Lugar – Place; a particular position or location.
- Luna – Moon; the natural satellite of Earth that orbits around it.
- Lento – Can also be used to describe a slow tempo in music.
- Llama – Flame; a hot glowing body of ignited gas.
- Lana – Also refers to the material derived from wool.
- Ladron – Thief; a person who steals.
- Lindo – Pretty or lovely; used to describe something that is aesthetically pleasing.
- Libro – Book; a set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened together inside a cover.
- Límite – Limit; the furthest extent or boundary of something.
- Liso – Smooth; having an even surface without roughness or irregularities.
- Llamar – To call; the act of using a vocal signal to get someone’s attention or initiate communication.
- Luna – Can also refer to the lunar phases or celestial aspects related to the moon.
- Lente – Lens; a piece of glass or other transparent material that focuses or disperses light rays.
- Luz – Light; the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
- Largo – Can also describe a slow tempo in music, particularly in classical compositions.