Words that start with N in Spanish

In Spanish, many words begin with the letter “N,” each carrying its own unique meaning. Here’s a comprehensive list of Spanish words starting with “N,” along with brief descriptions for each:

  • Nación: Nation; a large group of people connected by common territory, language, and government.
  • Nadar: To swim; the act of moving through water using limbs.
  • Nadie: Nobody; a term used to refer to not any person.
  • Naranja: Orange; both the fruit and the color.
  • Nariz: Nose; the part of the face used for breathing and smelling.
  • Nativo: Native; someone or something that originates from a specific place.
  • Natura: Nature; the physical world and everything in it that is not made by humans.
  • Natural: Natural; related to nature or occurring naturally.
  • Nublado: Cloudy; when the sky is covered with clouds.
  • Nube: Cloud; a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  • Nudo: Knot; a fastening made by tying a piece of rope or string.
  • Nueve: Nine; the number following eight and preceding ten.
  • Nuez: Nut; a hard-shelled fruit containing a seed.
  • Nunca: Never; not at any time.
  • Noche: Night; the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
  • Número: Number; a mathematical value used for counting and measuring.
  • Nervioso: Nervous; feeling anxious or uneasy.
  • Noble: Noble; having high moral qualities or belonging to a high social class.
  • Negocio: Business; commercial activity or trade.
  • Nota: Note; a written or printed piece of information or a grade given for performance.
  • Nació: Born; the past tense of the verb “nacer” meaning to come into existence.
  • Nacional: National; related to a nation or country.

These words encompass a range of concepts and objects, each integral to everyday communication in Spanish. If you want to look into more detailed meanings and uses, consider exploring each term further in a Spanish dictionary.