Wörter, die auf Spanisch mit Y beginnen

The Spanish language features a variety of words starting with the letter Y. Here is a comprehensive list of such words along with brief descriptions for each:

  • Yate – A yacht, typically used for recreational purposes and often associated with luxury.
  • Yegua – A female horse, often used in various contexts related to equestrian activities.
  • Yema – The yolk of an egg, which is the yellow part and is rich in nutrients.
  • Yerno – The son-in-law, referring to the husband of one's daughter.
  • Yo – The pronoun meaning “I” in English, used to refer to oneself in conversation.
  • Yogur – Yogurt, a dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacterial cultures.
  • Yogurtera – A yogurt maker, a device used to prepare homemade yogurt.
  • Yunque – An anvil, a heavy metal tool used in blacksmithing to shape metal.
  • Yuca – Cassava, a starchy tuber used as a food source in various cuisines.
  • Yugular – Refers to the jugular vein, a major vein in the neck that carries blood from the head to the heart.
  • Yunta – A pair of draft animals, such as oxen or horses, used together for plowing or pulling.

These words illustrate the diverse range of terms in Spanish that start with the letter Y, each serving a specific purpose or meaning.