French verbs that start with the letter H

Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “H”:

List of French verbs starting with H

  • habiliterpara autorizar
  • habiller: to dress
  • habiter: to live
  • habituerpara acostumbrar
  • hacherpara picar
  • hachurer: to crosshatch
  • haler: to haul
  • haleter: to pant
  • halluciner: to hallucinate
  • handicaper: to handicap
  • hanter: to haunt
  • happerpara arrebatar
  • haranguer: to harangue
  • harasser: to harass
  • harceler: to harass
  • harmoniser: to harmonize
  • harnacherpara aprovechar
  • harponner: to harpoon
  • hasarder: to risk
  • hausser: to raise
  • haïr: to hate
  • hennir: to neigh
  • herbager: to pasture
  • herboriser: to gather plants
  • herser: to harrow
  • heurter: to hit
  • hiberner: to hibernate
  • hisser: to hoist
  • hiverner: to winter
  • hiérarchiser: to prioritize
  • hocher: to nod
  • homogénéiser: to homogenize
  • homologuer: aprobar
  • honorer: to honor
  • hoqueter: to hiccup
  • horrifier: to horrify
  • horripiler: to irritate intensely
  • hospitaliser: to hospitalize
  • houspillerRegañar
  • huer: to boo
  • huiler: to oil
  • hululer: to hoot
  • humaniser: to humanize
  • humecter: to moisten
  • humer: to sniff
  • humidifier: to humidify
  • humilier: to humiliate
  • hurler: to scream
  • hydrater: to hydrate
  • hypnotiser: to hypnotize
  • hypothéquer: to mortgage
  • hâler: para broncearse
  • hâter: to hurry
  • héberger: to host
  • héler: to hail
  • hérisser: to bristle
  • hériter: to inherit
  • hésiter: to hesitate