French verbs that start with the letter O

Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “O”:

List of French verbs starting with O

  • objecter: to object
  • objectiver: to objectify
  • obliger: to oblige
  • obliquer: to veer
  • oblitérer: to obliterate
  • obnubiler: to obsess
  • obscurcir: oscurecer
  • observer: to observe
  • obstiner: to persist stubbornly
  • obstruer: to obstruct
  • obséder: to obsess
  • obtempérer: to comply
  • obtenir: to obtain
  • obturerpara sellar
  • obvier: to obviate
  • obéir: to obey
  • obérer: to burden
  • occasionnerpara causar
  • occidentaliser: to westernize
  • occire: to slay
  • occlure: to occlude
  • occulterpara ocultar
  • occuper: to occupy
  • octroyer: conceder
  • offenser: to offend
  • officialiser: to formalize
  • officier: to officiate
  • offrir: to offer
  • offusquer: to offend
  • oindre: to anoint
  • ombrager: to shade
  • ombrer: to shadow
  • omettre: to omit
  • ondoyer: to undulate
  • onduler: to wave
  • opacifier: to make opaque
  • opaliser: to opalize
  • opiner: de acuerdo
  • opposer: to oppose
  • oppresser: to oppress
  • opprimer: to oppress
  • opter: to opt
  • optimaliser: to optimize
  • opérer: to operate
  • orbiter: to orbit
  • orchestrer: to orchestrate
  • ordonnancer: to schedule
  • ordonner: por encargo
  • organiser: to organize
  • orienter: to orient
  • ornementer: to adorn
  • orner: to decorate
  • orthographier: to spell
  • osciller: to oscillate
  • oser: to dare
  • ossifier: to ossify
  • ostraciser: to ostracize
  • ouater: to pad
  • ouatiner: to quilt
  • oublier: to forget
  • ourdirpara trazar
  • ourler: to hem
  • outiller: to equip
  • outrager: to outrage
  • outrepasser: to exceed
  • outrer: to exaggerate
  • ouvrir: to open
  • ouïr: to hear
  • ovationner: to give a standing ovation
  • ovuler: to ovulate
  • oxyder: to oxidize
  • oxygéner: to oxygenate
  • ozoniser: to ozonize
  • ôter: to remove
  • œuvreral trabajo