“le formulaire” o “la formulaire”? Conocer el género correcto de los sustantivos en la gramática francesa le aclarará cuál es la forma correcta. Este artículo explica el género correcto de “formulaire” and why, helping you avoid a common error in French.
Le formulaire (correcto)
La formulaire (incorrecto)
Comprender el género de los sustantivos en francés
In French, every noun is assigned a gender—either masculine or feminine—which determines the article used with it. While nouns ending in “-e” are often feminine, “formulaire” is one of the exceptions to this rule.
Forma correcta: “Le formulaire”
La expresión correcta es “le formulaire”con “le” como artículo masculino. He aquí por qué:
- Despite ending in “-e,” “formulaire” is a masculine noun in French.
- Words borrowed from Latin that end in “-aire,” such as “dictionnaire” (dictionary) and “commentaire” (commentary), are generally masculine.
Utilizando “le formulaire” is therefore grammatically correct and the accepted form in both spoken and written French.
Error común: “La formulaire”
Un error frecuente es utilizar “la formulaire” en lugar de “le formulaire”. This error likely stems from assuming the “-e” ending indicates a feminine noun.
Por qué “La Formulaire” es incorrecto
- Although many nouns ending in “-e” are feminine, “formulaire” is an exception and remains masculine.
- Utilizando “la” con “formulaire” is incorrect, as it does not match the noun’s designated gender.
Por qué “Le Formulaire” es la forma correcta
En francés, “formulaire” se trata como un sustantivo masculino, lo que hace que “le formulaire” the only correct option. This rule is consistent with other “-aire” ending nouns that are masculine.
- Examples of other masculine nouns ending in “-aire”:
- “Le dictionnaire” (dictionary) — masculine.
- “Le commentaire” (comment) — masculine.
- “Le vocabulaire” (vocabulary) — masculine.
These examples demonstrate that nouns ending in “-aire” are typically masculine, reinforcing that “le formulaire” is correct.
Additional Examples of Masculine Nouns with “-aire” Finalizar
Consider other nouns that follow this pattern:
- “Le questionnaire” (questionnaire) — masculine.
- “Le salaire” (salary) — masculine.
- “Le anniversaire” (birthday/anniversary) — masculine.
These examples confirm the pattern of masculine nouns ending in “-aire,” verifying that “le formulaire” is the grammatically accurate choice in French.