Palabras que empiezan por I en alemán

If you're learning German and want to expand your vocabulary, understanding words that start with the letter “I” can be a great place to begin. Here’s a list of German words starting with “I”, along with a brief description of each.

  • Ideal: Esta palabra se utiliza de forma similar a su homóloga inglesa, refiriéndose a algo que se considera perfecto o muy deseable.
  • Idee: Meaning “idea”, this word is used to describe a thought or concept.
  • Identität: This translates to “identity”, referring to the distinct characteristics or qualities that define a person or thing.
  • Immer: This word means “always”, used to indicate that something happens all the time.
  • Inhalt: Meaning “content”, it can refer to the substance or material contained within something, like a book or a container.
  • Information: Igual que en inglés, se refiere a datos o conocimientos sobre un tema concreto.
  • Institut: This means “institute”, a term used for an organization or establishment, particularly for educational or scientific purposes.
  • Instrument: Similar to its English usage, this word means “instrument”, which can refer to a tool or device used for a specific purpose.
  • Intelligenz: Meaning “intelligence”, this term refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
  • Interesse: This translates to “interest”, and is used to describe curiosity or concern about something.
  • Internet: Igual que en inglés, se refiere a la red mundial que permite el intercambio de información.
  • Investieren: This verb means “to invest”, which involves allocating resources, often money, to achieve a return or benefit.
  • Invasion: La palabra "invasión" se utiliza para describir el acto de entrar en un lugar por la fuerza o ilegalmente, a menudo en un contexto militar.
  • Indianer: Esta palabra se traduce como "indio" en el contexto de los pueblos indígenas de América.
  • Intensiv: Meaning “intensive”, this adjective is used to describe something that is very thorough or extreme in degree.
  • Importieren: This verb means “to import”, referring to the process of bringing goods into a country from abroad.
  • Industriell: This adjective translates to “industrial”, relating to industry or manufacturing processes.
  • Illustration: Igual que en inglés, se refiere a una representación visual o dibujo que acompaña al texto.
  • Individual: Utilizado de forma similar a su homólogo inglés, se refiere a una sola persona o cosa, distinta de las demás.

Estas palabras cubren una serie de usos comunes en alemán y pueden ser útiles para ampliar su vocabulario.