Palabras que empiezan por K en alemán

In German, the letter K initiates a variety of interesting words. Here’s a comprehensive list of words that start with K, each accompanied by a brief description.

  • Kaffee – Coffee; a popular hot beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
  • Kalt – Cold; describing a low temperature or lacking warmth.
  • Kamera – Camera; a device used to capture photographs or videos.
  • Kampf – Fight; an intense struggle or battle.
  • Kanal – Canal; a man-made waterway used for transportation or irrigation.
  • Kapitel – Chapter; a section of a book or other written work.
  • Karriere – Career; a profession or occupation one pursues over a lifetime.
  • Kartoffel – Potato; a starchy tuber that is a staple food in many cuisines.
  • Katzen – Cats; plural form of Katze, which refers to domestic felines.
  • Kiefer – Jaw; the bone structure in the face that supports the teeth.
  • Kino – Cinema; a place where films are shown or the film industry itself.
  • Kirche – Church; a building for Christian worship or the community of believers.
  • Kleider – Clothes; plural form of Kleid, referring to garments worn on the body.
  • Klasse – Class; a group of students or a category of things with similar characteristics.
  • Kleid – Dress; a piece of clothing typically worn by women.
  • Klein – Small; describing something of limited size or extent.
  • Klobig – Bulky; referring to something that is large and unwieldy.
  • Koffer – Suitcase; a large container used for traveling to carry clothes and personal items.
  • König – King; a male monarch or ruler of a kingdom.
  • Kraut – Herb; a general term for various plants used in cooking or medicine.
  • Kuchen – Cake; a sweet baked dessert often enjoyed with tea or coffee.
  • Kunst – Art; the practice of creating visual, auditory, or performance works that express the creator’s imagination or emotions.
  • Kurs – Course; a series of lessons or a program of study.
  • Kunststoff – Plastic; a synthetic material used in a variety of products.
  • Königin – Queen; a female monarch or the wife of a king.
  • Karten – Cards; plural form of Karte, referring to playing cards or other types of cards.
  • Könnte – Could; the conditional form of “can,” used to express possibility or politeness.
  • Kreis – Circle; a round shape where every point is equidistant from the center, or a district or area.
  • Keller – Cellar; an underground space used for storage, often for wine or food.
  • Kiefer – Pine; a type of tree known for its needle-like leaves and cones.
  • Klage – Complaint; a formal statement of dissatisfaction or grievance.
  • Kraft – Strength; the capacity to exert force or the power to accomplish something.
  • Kapitän – Captain; a person in charge of a ship, aircraft, or sports team.
  • Kunstwerk – Artwork; a piece created to be appreciated for its aesthetic value.
  • Kritik – Criticism; the analysis or evaluation of something, often in a detailed and evaluative manner.
  • Kiosk – Kiosk; a small stand or booth from which goods or services are sold.
  • Kleiderbügel – Hanger; an object used to hang clothes to keep them from wrinkling.

This list covers a broad range of commonly used German words starting with K, offering a snapshot of the diverse vocabulary available in the language.