Palabras que empiezan por L en alemán

If you're interested in expanding your German vocabulary, exploring words that start with the letter L can be a good place to begin. Here’s a list of German words starting with L, along with brief descriptions for each:

  • Laden – This means “shop” or “store.” It’s a place where goods are sold.
  • Lage – Translates to “location” or “situation.” It refers to the position or circumstances of something.
  • Land – Means “country” or “land.” It can refer to a nation or a region.
  • Lang – This word means “long” and is used to describe something of great length or duration.
  • Leben – Means “life” or “to live.” It refers to the existence of living beings or the act of living.
  • Lebensmittel – This translates to “groceries” or “foodstuffs.” It encompasses items used for eating and drinking.
  • Lehrer – Means “teacher.” It is someone who educates or instructs students.
  • Licht – Translates to “light.” It can refer to visible light or illumination.
  • Liebe – This word means “love.” It signifies deep affection or strong emotional attachment.
  • Löffel – Means “spoon.” It is a utensil used for eating or serving food.
  • Luft – Translates to “air.” It refers to the gaseous substance surrounding the Earth.
  • Lärm – This means “noise.” It indicates a loud or disruptive sound.
  • Lichtschalter – Means “light switch.” It is a device used to control the flow of electricity to a light.
  • Lachen – This translates to “laugh.” It is the act of making sounds and movements that express amusement or joy.
  • Lust – Means “desire” or “pleasure.” It denotes a strong feeling of wanting or enjoyment.
  • Leid – Translates to “sorrow” or “suffering.” It refers to emotional or physical pain.
  • Leicht – This word means “light” in terms of weight or ease. It describes something that is not heavy or difficult.
  • Landwirtschaft – Means “agriculture.” It encompasses farming and the cultivation of land for producing food.
  • Langeweile – Translates to “boredom.” It refers to the state of being uninterested or unengaged.
  • Lücke – Means “gap” or “space.” It denotes an empty area or a missing part in something.
  • Lampe – This translates to “lamp.” It is a device that produces light.
  • Leder – Means “leather.” It is a material made from animal hides, often used for clothing and accessories.
  • Lebendig – Means “alive” or “living.” It describes something that is in a state of life.
  • Lustig – Translates to “funny” or “amusing.” It describes something that causes laughter or enjoyment.
  • Letzte – Means “last” or “final.” It refers to the final position or end of a sequence.
  • Löwe – This word means “lion.” It refers to the large, wild cat found in Africa and Asia.
  • Lebenslauf – Translates to “resume” or “curriculum vitae.” It is a document outlining a person’s career and qualifications.
  • Löschmittel – Means “fire extinguisher.” It is a device used to put out fires.
  • Lernstoff – This translates to “learning material.” It includes the content or resources used for education and study.
  • Luftdruck – Means “air pressure.” It refers to the force exerted by the weight of air in the atmosphere.

Each of these words offers a glimpse into various aspects of the German language and culture.