Kun tutkit saksan sanastoa, S-kirjain tarjoaa monipuolisen valikoiman sanoja. Tässä on kattava luettelo S-kirjaimella alkavista saksankielisistä sanoista, joihin kuhunkin liittyy lyhyt kuvaus.
- Säge – This means “saw”, the tool used for cutting wood or other materials.
- Sahne – The German word for “cream”, particularly the rich, fatty part of milk used in cooking and baking.
- Saison – Refers to “season”, as in the periods of the year or seasonal changes.
- Salat – Means “salad”, a dish typically made from a mixture of vegetables and often served cold.
- Sand – The word for “sand”, the granular material found on beaches and deserts.
- Sänger – Means “singer”, referring to someone who performs vocal music.
- Schnitzel - Suosittu saksalainen ruokalaji, joka koostuu paneroidusta ja paistetusta lihaleikkeestä, joka on yleensä valmistettu sian- tai vasikanlihasta.
- Schule – The German term for “school”, an educational institution where learning takes place.
- Schlüssel – Translates to “key”, used for locking and unlocking doors or other mechanisms.
- Schnee – Means “snow”, the frozen precipitation that falls during winter.
- Schrank – Refers to a “cabinet” or “wardrobe”, a piece of furniture used for storage.
- Schuhe – The plural form of “Shoe”, covering various types of footwear.
- Sekt – This word means “sparkling wine”, often used to describe Champagne-like beverages.
- Selbst – Translates to “self”, used to emphasize an individual's own action or presence.
- Sommer – Means “summer”, the warmest season of the year.
- Sonne – Refers to the “sun”, the star at the center of our solar system.
- Sorte – Means “variety” or “sort”, referring to different types or categories of things.
- Stadt – The German word for “city”, a large urban area with a high population density.
- Stuhl – Refers to a “chair”, a piece of furniture designed for sitting.
- Tasche – Means “bag” or “purse”, used for carrying personal items.
- Tisch – Translates to “table”, a piece of furniture with a flat surface used for eating, working, or other activities.
- Zucker – The German word for “sugar”, a sweet substance used to flavor food and drinks.
Nämä S-kirjaimella alkavat saksankieliset sanat kattavat monia yleisiä esineitä, käsitteitä ja toimintoja, jotka antavat kuvan saksalaisesta arkielämästä.