French Adjectives That Start with H

When learning French, expanding your vocabulary with adjectives is essential. Here, we look into French adjectives that start with the letter H.


List of French Adjectives Starting with G

  • Habillé: Dressed or clothed. Often used to describe someone who is dressed in a particular manner.
  • Habitué: Accustomed or used to. This adjective describes someone who is familiar with something due to frequent exposure.
  • Hargneux: Surly or bad-tempered. Used to describe someone with a combative or irritable attitude.
  • Harmonieux: Harmonious. This adjective refers to something that is pleasingly consistent and well-balanced.
  • Haut: High or tall. Used to describe the height of objects or people.
  • Hautain: Haughty or arrogant. Describes someone with a disdainfully proud attitude.
  • Hébété: Dazed or bewildered. Used to describe someone who is stupefied or stunned.
  • Héroïque: Heroic. This adjective describes someone or something exhibiting great bravery or noble qualities.
  • Hésitant: Hesitant. Refers to someone who is unsure or wavering in decision or action.
  • Heureux: Happy. Used to describe someone who is feeling joy or contentment.
  • Honteux: Ashamed or disgraceful. Describes someone feeling shame or something that causes shame.
  • Horrible: Horrible. Used to describe something that is extremely unpleasant or dreadful.
  • Hostile: Hostile. Refers to someone who is antagonistic or unfriendly.
  • Humain: Human. Describes qualities or attributes pertaining to humans.
  • Humide: Humid or damp. Used to describe something with a high level of moisture.
  • Humiliant: Humiliating. Refers to something that causes a loss of pride or dignity.
  • Huppé: Posh or upscale. Describes someone or something that is elegant or high-class.

By familiarizing yourself with these adjectives, you can enhance your descriptive abilities in French and better understand the nuances of the language.