French Adjectives That Start with O

In this article, we will look into various French adjectives that start with the letter “O.” Each adjective is presented in bold, followed by its description and usage.


List of French Adjectives Starting with O

  • Obscur: Dark or obscure. Used to describe something lacking light or clarity.
  • Obtus: Obtuse. Refers to something or someone dull, slow to understand, or lacking sharpness.
  • Odieux: Odious or hateful. Describes something extremely unpleasant or deserving of hate.
  • Officiel: Official. Pertains to something authorized or recognized by authority.
  • Oléagineux: Oily or oil-bearing. Often used to describe plants or fruits that produce oil.
  • Olympien: Olympian. Relates to the Olympic games or something grand and majestic.
  • Ombragé: Shady. Used to describe areas covered in shade, typically from trees or structures.
  • Omnipotent: Omnipotent. Refers to someone or something all-powerful or having unlimited power.
  • Omniprésent: Omnipresent. Describes something or someone present everywhere at the same time.
  • Ondoyant: Undulating or wavy. Often used to describe movements or shapes that have a wave-like form.
  • Onéreux: Costly or expensive. Pertains to something that requires a large amount of money.
  • Opiniâtre: Stubborn or obstinate. Describes someone who is determined and refuses to change their opinion or action.
  • Opportun: Opportune or timely. Refers to something happening at a convenient or advantageous time.
  • Opposé: Opposite. Used to describe things that are completely different or contrary to each other.
  • Optimiste: Optimistic. Describes someone who has a positive outlook and expects the best possible outcome.
  • Opulent: Opulent or wealthy. Refers to something lavish, luxurious, or rich in abundance.
  • Orageux: Stormy. Used to describe weather conditions involving storms or something tumultuous.
  • Ordinaire: Ordinary. Describes something common, usual, or not exceptional.
  • Organisé: Organized. Refers to someone who is methodical and systematic in arranging things.
  • Orné: Ornate. Describes something elaborately decorated or adorned.
  • Ostentatoire: Ostentatious. Refers to something showy or intended to attract notice and impress others.
  • Oublieux: Forgetful. Describes someone prone to forgetting things.
  • Ouvert: Open. Used to describe something not closed or someone who is receptive and approachable.

These adjectives provide a glimpse into the richness and variety of the French language, offering descriptive tools for various contexts and situations.