In this article, we will look into a list of French adjectives that start with the letter P.
List of French Adjectives Starting with P
- Pacifique: Refers to something peaceful or serene.
- Paisible: Describes something tranquil or quiet.
- Palpitant: Indicates something exciting or thrilling.
- Paresseux: Means lazy or idle.
- Parfait: Perfect or flawless.
- Pâle: Pale or light in color.
- Parfumé: Perfumed or fragrant.
- Particulier: Specific or peculiar.
- Passionné: Passionate or enthusiastic.
- Patient: Patient or enduring.
- Pauvre: Poor or lacking in wealth.
- Pénible: Painful or troublesome.
- Pensif: Thoughtful or pensive.
- Perplexe: Perplexed or puzzled.
- Persévérant: Persevering or persistent.
- Petit: Small or little.
- Peureux: Fearful or timid.
- Piquant: Spicy or sharp.
- Pittoresque: Picturesque or charmingly scenic.
- Pluvieux: Rainy or wet.
- Poli: Polite or courteous.
- Populaire: Popular or well-liked.
- Possible: Possible or feasible.
- Potent: Powerful or strong.
- Pratique: Practical or convenient.
- Précieux: Precious or valuable.
- Précis: Precise or exact.
- Premier: First or primary.
- Présent: Present or current.
- Pressé: In a hurry or rushed.
- Prétentieux: Pretentious or boastful.
- Proche: Near or close.
- Propre: Clean or proper.
- Protecteur: Protective or guarding.
- Prudent: Careful or cautious.
- Public: Public or open to all.
- Puissant: Powerful or mighty.