French Adjectives That Start with T

In this article, we will look into a list of French adjectives that start with the letter T. Each adjective is followed by a brief description.


List of French Adjectives Starting with T

  • Triste: Sad or sorrowful. This adjective describes someone who is feeling down or melancholic.
  • Tendre: Tender or soft. It is used to describe something that is gentle, loving, or easily breakable.
  • Timide: Shy or timid. This word is used to characterize someone who is reserved or lacks confidence.
  • Têtu: Stubborn or obstinate. It refers to someone who is determined and refuses to change their opinion.
  • Talentueux: Talented. This adjective describes someone who has a natural aptitude or skill.
  • Tempéré: Temperate or moderate. It is used to describe a person or climate that is mild and not extreme.
  • Taché: Stained or spotted. This adjective describes something that has marks or discolorations.
  • Tordu: Twisted or crooked. It refers to something that is bent out of its normal shape.
  • Taciturne: Taciturn or silent. It describes a person who is habitually quiet and uncommunicative.
  • Téméraire: Reckless or daring. This adjective characterizes someone who takes bold risks.
  • Tolérant: Tolerant. It describes someone who is open-minded and accepting of different opinions and behaviors.
  • Transparent: Transparent or clear. This word is used to describe something that is see-through or easily understood.
  • Travailleur: Hardworking or diligent. It refers to someone who is industrious and puts a lot of effort into their work.
  • Tendu: Tense or tight. This adjective describes a situation or person that is under stress or pressure.
  • Tourmenté: Tormented or troubled. It characterizes someone who is suffering from severe mental or emotional distress.
  • Triomphant: Triumphant or victorious. It describes someone who has achieved success or victory.
  • Troublé: Troubled or disturbed. This word refers to someone who is feeling anxious or agitated.
  • Typique: Typical. It is used to describe something that is characteristic of a particular type or group.

This list includes various French adjectives that start with T, providing a range of descriptions from emotions and behaviors to physical characteristics and states.