French verbs that start with the letter J

Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “J”:

List of French verbs starting with J

  • jacasser: to chatter
  • jacter: to jabber
  • jaillir: to spurt
  • jalonner: to mark out
  • jalouser: to envy
  • japper: to yelp
  • jardiner: to garden
  • jaser: to gossip
  • jauger: to gauge
  • jaunir: to turn yellow
  • javelliser: to bleach
  • jeter: to throw
  • jeûner: to fast
  • jodler: to yodel
  • joindre: to join
  • joncher: to strew
  • jongler: to juggle
  • jouer: to play
  • jouir: to enjoy
  • journaliser: to journalize
  • jouxter: to joust
  • jubiler: to rejoice
  • jucher: to perch
  • juger: to judge
  • juguler: to curb
  • jumeler: to pair
  • jurer: to swear
  • justifier: to justify
  • juter: to ooze
  • juxtaposer: to juxtapose