“Incontrare” – Conjugation of the Italian Verb

In Italian grammar, mastering verb conjugations is essential for fluency. One such verb that requires attention is “incontrare”, which means “to meet” or “to encounter.” Let's look into the conjugation of “incontrare” across different tenses and moods.

Present Tense (Indicative)

  • Io incontro (I meet)
  • Tu incontri (You meet)
  • Egli/ella incontra (He/she meets)
  • Noi incontriamo (We meet)
  • Voi incontrate (You all meet)
  • Essi/esse incontrano (They meet)

Past Tense (Indicative)

Passato Prossimo (Present Perfect)

  • Io ho incontrato (I have met)
  • Tu hai incontrato (You have met)
  • Egli/ella ha incontrato (He/she has met)
  • Noi abbiamo incontrato (We have met)
  • Voi avete incontrato (You all have met)
  • Essi/esse hanno incontrato (They have met)

Imperfetto (Imperfect)

  • Io incontravo (I used to meet)
  • Tu incontravi (You used to meet)
  • Egli/ella incontrava (He/she used to meet)
  • Noi incontravamo (We used to meet)
  • Voi incontravate (You all used to meet)
  • Essi/esse incontravano (They used to meet)

Future Tense (Indicative)

  • Io incontrerò (I will meet)
  • Tu incontrerai (You will meet)
  • Egli/ella incontrerà (He/she will meet)
  • Noi incontreremo (We will meet)
  • Voi incontrerete (You all will meet)
  • Essi/esse incontreranno (They will meet)

Conditional Mood

  • Io incontrerei (I would meet)
  • Tu incontreresti (You would meet)
  • Egli/ella incontrerebbe (He/she would meet)
  • Noi incontreremmo (We would meet)
  • Voi incontrereste (You all would meet)
  • Essi/esse incontrerebbero (They would meet)

Subjunctive Mood

Present Subjunctive

  • Che io incontri (That I meet)
  • Che tu incontri (That you meet)
  • Che egli/ella incontri (That he/she meets)
  • Che noi incontriamo (That we meet)
  • Che voi incontriate (That you all meet)
  • Che essi/esse incontrino (That they meet)

Imperfect Subjunctive

  • Che io incontrassi (That I met)
  • Che tu incontrassi (That you met)
  • Che egli/ella incontrasse (That he/she met)
  • Che noi incontrassimo (That we met)
  • Che voi incontraste (That you all met)
  • Che essi/esse incontrassero (That they met)

Imperative Mood

  • Tu incontra (Meet)
  • Noi incontriamo (Let's meet)
  • Voi incontrate (You all meet)


  • Incontrare (To meet)


  • Incontrato (Met)

Understanding the conjugation of “incontrare” is fundamental for expressing oneself fluently in Italian. By practicing these conjugations across various tenses and moods, learners can enhance their proficiency and effectively communicate in Italian.

Examples of Usage

Here are some examples illustrating the usage of the verb “incontrare” in different contexts:

  1. Meeting a Friend:

    • Oggi incontrerò Luca al parco. (Today I will meet Luca at the park.)
  2. Encountering Someone Unexpectedly:

    • Mentre camminavo per la strada, ho incontrato Marco. (While I was walking down the street, I met Marco.)
  3. Meeting for Business:

    • Domani incontreremo il cliente per discutere dei dettagli del progetto. (Tomorrow we will meet the client to discuss the details of the project.)
  4. Meeting Challenges:

    • Durante il viaggio, abbiamo incontrato molte difficoltà, ma siamo riusciti a superarle. (During the journey, we encountered many challenges, but we managed to overcome them.)
  5. Meeting Expectations:

    • Spero che il film incontri le nostre aspettative. (I hope the movie meets our expectations.)
  6. Meeting Deadlines:

    • Dobbiamo lavorare sodo per incontrare la scadenza del progetto. (We need to work hard to meet the project deadline.)
  7. Meeting Requirements:

    • Assicurati di incontrare tutti i requisiti prima di inviare la candidatura. (Make sure to meet all the requirements before submitting the application.)
  8. Meeting New People:

    • Durante il viaggio, ho incontrato persone interessanti provenienti da tutto il mondo. (During the trip, I met interesting people from all over the world.)
  9. Meeting Goals:

    • Con impegno e determinazione, sono riuscito a incontrare i miei obiettivi di fitness. (With commitment and determination, I managed to meet my fitness goals.)
  10. Meeting for a Date:

    • Stasera incontrerò Marta per una cena romantica. (Tonight I will meet Marta for a romantic dinner.)

These examples demonstrate the versatility of the verb “incontrare” in expressing various encounters, meetings, and experiences in Italian.