Parole che iniziano con S in inglese

Exploring words that start with the letter S reveals a vast array of terms, each with unique meanings and uses. Here is a comprehensive list of words that begin with S, along with brief descriptions for each.

  • Saber: A type of sword with a curved blade, often used in fencing or by cavalry.
  • Sacred: Regarded with reverence and respect, often relating to religious or spiritual significance.
  • Sad: Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
  • Safe: Free from danger or harm; secure.
  • Sail: To travel by boat or ship, or the fabric used to catch the wind and propel a boat.
  • Saint: A person recognized for their holiness and virtue, often canonized by religious institutions.
  • Sake: The purpose or benefit of something; also, a Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice.
  • Salad: A dish typically made from a mixture of raw vegetables, fruits, or other ingredients, often served cold.
  • Salary: A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis, made by an employer to an employee.
  • Sample: A small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
  • Sand: Fine grains of rock, often found on beaches and deserts.
  • Sane: Mentally healthy and rational.
  • Sapphire: A precious gemstone, typically blue, but can be found in other colors.
  • Scream: To make a loud, high-pitched sound, usually out of fear, pain, or excitement.
  • Script: Written text of a play, film, or broadcast; also refers to handwriting.
  • Search: To look for something carefully and thoroughly.
  • Season: One of the four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter); also refers to adding flavor to food.
  • Secure: Fixed or fastened so as not to give way; safe from harm.
  • Sight: The ability to see; also refers to a view or vision.
  • Signal: A gesture, action, or sound that conveys information or instructions.
  • Simple: Easy to understand or do; not complicated.
  • Size: The dimensions, proportions, or extent of something.
  • Social: Relating to society or its organization; friendly and inclined to seek companionship.
  • Solid: Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or gas.
  • Sort: A category or type of something; to arrange or classify.
  • Space: The vast, seemingly infinite expanse that exists beyond Earth's atmosphere; also refers to an area or expanse.
  • Speak: To use one's voice to communicate verbally.
  • Special: Better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.
  • Spider: An eight-legged arachnid known for spinning webs.
  • Sport: Physical activities involving skill and competition.
  • State: The condition or situation of something; also refers to a political entity.
  • Stay: To remain in one place or continue doing something.
  • Study: To engage in learning or research; also refers to a room used for work or study.
  • Sugar: A sweet substance derived from plants, used to sweeten food and drinks.
  • Summer: The warmest season of the year, typically associated with long days and vacations.
  • Sun: The star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to Earth.
  • Super: Above or beyond what is usual; excellent or remarkable.
  • System: A set of connected things or parts working together as a whole.

This list captures just a portion of the extensive vocabulary starting with the letter S. Each word offers a distinct meaning and utility in various contexts.