French Nouns That Start With H

When learning French, it can be helpful to focus on commonly used nouns to build your vocabulary. Below is a list of 50 French nouns that start with the letter “H” and their translations.

Common French Nouns Starting with H

  • l’habitude (the habit)
  • l’hôpital (the hospital)
  • l’hôtel (the hotel)
  • l’homme (mannen)
  • l’histoire (the story/history)
  • le haricot (the bean)
  • le héros (the hero)
  • le hamster (the hamster)
  • le hasard (the chance)
  • le hibou (the owl)
  • le hectare (the hectare)
  • le hublot (the porthole/window)
  • le hamburger (the hamburger)
  • le halo (the halo)
  • le homard (the lobster)
  • le harcèlement (the harassment)
  • le hangar (the hangar)
  • le hérisson (the hedgehog)
  • le heurt (the collision/clash)
  • le hameau (the hamlet)
  • la haine (the hatred)
  • la hauteur (the height)
  • la hâte (the haste)
  • la housse (the cover)
  • la herbe (the grass)
  • la hanche (the hip)
  • la honte (the shame)
  • la hache (the axe)
  • la houle (the swell/waves)
  • le hibiscus (the hibiscus)
  • le henné (the henna)
  • le hurlement (the scream/howl)
  • le hoquet (the hiccup)
  • le hennissement (the neighing)
  • le harnais (the harness)
  • le hangar (the hangar)
  • le hameçon (the hook)
  • la houe (the hoe)
  • le héron (the heron)
  • le herbage (the pasture)
  • le hennissement (the neigh)
  • le handicap (the disability)
  • le hublot (the porthole/window)
  • le huis clos (the closed-door session)
  • le horodateur (the parking meter)
  • le hoquet (the hiccup)
  • le hydrogène (the hydrogen)
  • la hiérarchie (the hierarchy)
  • le havre (the harbor/haven)
  • le halo (the halo)

Different Groups of Nouns

In the following you will find examples of French nouns starting with “H” divided into different groups of nouns:

1. Gender-Based Nouns

Maskuline substantiver

  • l’homme (mannen)
  • le héros (the hero)
  • le hôpital (the hospital)
  • le hibou (the owl)
  • le hangar (the hangar)

L’homme marche dans la rue avec son chien.
(The man is walking down the street with his dog.)

Feminine substantiver

  • la hauteur (the height)
  • la haine (the hatred)
  • la hache (the axe)
  • la housse (the cover)
  • la hanche (the hip)

La hauteur de cette montagne est impressionnante.
(The height of this mountain is impressive.)

2. Number-Based Nouns

Singular Nouns

  • l’histoire (the story/history)
  • le haricot (the bean)
  • le hublot (the porthole/window)
  • la hâte (the haste)
  • le hamster (the hamster)

Le hamster court dans sa petite roue toute la journée.
(The hamster runs in its little wheel all day.)

Plural Nouns

  • les héros (the heroes)
  • les hommes (the men)
  • les hanches (the hips)
  • les hiboux (the owls)
  • les haricots (the beans)

Les hiboux sont des oiseaux nocturnes fascinants.
(Owls are fascinating nocturnal birds.)

3. Proper vs. Common Nouns

Proper Nouns

  • Havre (Havre, a city in France)
  • Henri (Henri, a first name)
  • Hongrie (Hungary)
  • Hugo (Hugo, a first name)
  • Haïti (Haiti)

Henri est parti en vacances en Hongrie cette année.
(Henri went on vacation to Hungary this year.)

Common Nouns

  • le hôpital (the hospital)
  • le hibou (the owl)
  • la hauteur (the height)
  • le héros (the hero)
  • la hache (the axe)

Le héros du film a sauvé la ville d’un danger imminent.
(The hero of the movie saved the city from imminent danger.)

4. Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

  • le haricot (the bean)
  • le hibou (the owl)
  • le hangar (the hangar)
  • le hublot (the porthole/window)
  • la hache (the axe)

Le haricot vert est souvent utilisé dans les plats d’été.
(Green beans are often used in summer dishes.)

Uncountable Nouns

  • la haine (the hatred)
  • l’habitude (the habit)
  • la hâte (the haste)
  • le hasard (the chance)
  • la honte (the shame)

Il a agi avec beaucoup de hâte et sans réfléchir.
(He acted with a lot of haste and without thinking.)

5. Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns

Concrete Nouns

  • le hibou (the owl)
  • le hôpital (the hospital)
  • la hache (the axe)
  • le hublot (the porthole/window)
  • le hamburger (the hamburger)

Le hibou est perché sur une branche, observant la forêt.
(The owl is perched on a branch, watching the forest.)

Abstract Nouns

  • la haine (the hatred)
  • la hâte (the haste)
  • la honte (the shame)
  • l’histoire (the story/history)
  • l’habitude (the habit)

La haine n’apporte rien de bon dans une situation difficile.
(Hatred brings nothing good in a difficult situation.)

6. Collective Nouns

  • l’humanité (humanity)
  • la hiérarchie (the hierarchy)
  • le personnel hospitalier (the hospital staff)
  • les forces de l’ordre (the law enforcement forces)
  • l’ensemble des héros (the group of heroes)

L’humanité doit faire face à de nombreux défis dans le futur.
(Humanity must face many challenges in the future.)

7. Compound Nouns

  • le fauteuil roulant (the wheelchair)
  • le havre de paix (the safe haven)
  • le haricot vert (the green bean)
  • la hache de guerre (the war axe)
  • le haut-parleur (the loudspeaker)

Ils ont trouvé un havre de paix dans cette petite maison à la campagne.
(They found a safe haven in this little house in the countryside.)

Sample text

Here is an example text where we are using different French nouns that start with “H”:

French Version

Hier, je suis allé rendre visite à mon ami à l’hôpital où il est soigné après un accident de vélo. Il avait une blessure à la jambe, mais heureusement, son état s’améliore. Pendant que j'attendais dans la salle de visite, je regardais par le hublot de la pièce, observant le jardin de l'hôpital. Le paysage était paisible, ce qui offrait une belle vue et un moment de calme.

Mon ami m'a raconté l’histoire de l'accident. Il faisait du vélo en forêt quand il a glissé sur des feuilles mouillées. Bien que cela ait été un choc, il a eu de la chance, car un passant l'a aidé rapidement. En écoutant son récit, j'ai ressenti un mélange de gratitude et de honte, car je lui avais proposé de l’accompagner ce jour-là, mais j’étais trop occupé.

Après avoir parlé pendant un moment, l’infirmière est entrée pour vérifier son état. Elle a mentionné qu’il pourra probablement rentrer chez lui dans quelques jours. Avant de partir, je lui ai offert un petit hamster en peluche, un clin d'œil à une vieille blague entre nous. Il a souri et m’a remercié, appréciant le geste.

En quittant l’hôpital, je me suis senti soulagé de voir que mon ami récupérait bien. J'ai pris une profonde respiration en pensant à l'importance de ne pas agir avec hâte dans des situations dangereuses.


Yesterday, I went to visit my friend at the hospital where he is being treated after a bike accident. He had an injury to his leg, but fortunately, his condition is improving. While I was waiting in the visitor’s room, I looked out the porthole/window, observing the hospital garden. The scenery was peaceful, offering a nice view and a moment of calm.

My friend told me the story of the accident. He was biking in the forest when he slipped on wet leaves. Although it was a shock, he was lucky because a passerby helped him quickly. While listening to his account, I felt a mix of gratitude and shame, as I had offered to accompany him that day but was too busy.

After talking for a while, the nurse came in to check on his condition. She mentioned that he would probably be able to go home in a few days. Before leaving, I gave him a little stuffed hamster, a nod to an old joke between us. He smiled and thanked me, appreciating the gesture.

As I left the hospital, I felt relieved to see that my friend was recovering well. I took a deep breath, thinking about the importance of not acting with haste in dangerous situations.