French Nouns That Start With U

When learning French, it can be helpful to focus on commonly used nouns to build your vocabulary. Below is a list of 50 French nouns that start with the letter “U” and their translations.

Common French Nouns Starting with U

  • l'ube (the ewe)
  • l'un (den ene)
  • l'univers (the universe)
  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'unité (the unit)
  • l'urgente (the emergency)
  • l'utérus (the uterus)
  • l'urgente (the urgency)
  • l'uniforme (the uniform)
  • l'ultime (the ultimate)
  • l'union (the union)
  • l'ukulele (the ukulele)
  • l'ustensile (the utensil)
  • l'ulcère (the ulcer)
  • l'usage (the use)
  • l'unilatéral (the unilateral)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'utopie (the utopia)
  • l'unité (the unity)
  • l'urbanisme (the urban planning)
  • l'uranium (the uranium)
  • l'utérus (the womb)
  • l'unison (the unison)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'ultrason (the ultrasound)
  • l'uniformité (the uniformity)
  • l'utilisation (the utilization)
  • l'ultime (the last)
  • l'uranographie (the uranography)
  • l'usage (the use)
  • l'universalité (the universality)
  • l'universaliste (the universalist)
  • l'urbanisation (the urbanization)
  • l'unijambiste (the one-legged)
  • l'unification (the unification)
  • l'uké (the uke, short for ukulele)
  • l'urgente (the urgent situation)
  • l'ultimatif (the ultimate)
  • l'utérine (the uterine)
  • l'ultramarine (the ultramarine)
  • l'unicité (the uniqueness)
  • l'unité d'œuvre (the unit of work)
  • l'urgente (the emergency)
  • l'utopiste (the utopian)
  • l'urban (the urban)
  • l'ultracrépidarianisme (the ultra-crepidarianism)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'urgent (the urgent matter)
  • l'utérine (the uterine)
  • l'unicorne (the unicorn)

Different Groups of Nouns

In the following you will find examples of French nouns starting with “U” divided into different groups of nouns:

1. Gender-Based Nouns

Maskuline substantiver

  • l'un (den ene)
  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'univers (the universe)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'uniforme (the uniform)

L'univers est vaste et mystérieux.
(The universe is vast and mysterious.)

Feminine substantiver

  • l'unité (the unit)
  • l'urgente (the emergency)
  • l'utopie (the utopia)
  • l'utilisation (the usage)
  • l'ulcère (the ulcer)

L'utopie est souvent considérée comme un idéal inatteignable.
(Utopia is often seen as an unattainable ideal.)

2. Number-Based Nouns

Singular Nouns

  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'un (den ene)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'univers (the universe)
  • l'urticaire (the hives)

L'ultimatum donné par le professeur était clair.
(The ultimatum given by the teacher was clear.)

Plural Nouns

  • les urgences (the emergencies)
  • les utilisations (the uses)
  • les uniformes (the uniforms)
  • les ultimatums (the ultimatums)
  • les univers (the universes)

Les urgences médicales sont toujours une priorité.
(Medical emergencies are always a priority.)

3. Proper vs. Common Nouns

Proper Nouns

  • Uruguay (Uruguay)
  • Ursule (Ursula, a first name)
  • Utrecht (Utrecht, a city in the Netherlands)
  • Upton (Upton, a place name)
  • Ulysses (Ulysses, a literary reference)

L'Uruguay est célèbre pour sa culture du maté.
(Uruguay is famous for its mate culture.)

Common Nouns

  • l'unité (the unit)
  • l'univers (the universe)
  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'ultime (the ultimate)
  • l'ulcère (the ulcer)

L'unité de mesure pour cette distance est le kilomètre.
(The unit of measurement for this distance is the kilometer.)

4. Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

  • l'un (den ene)
  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'uniforme (the uniform)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'uranium (the uranium)

L'un de ces livres est le meilleur de la série.
(One of these books is the best in the series.)

Uncountable Nouns

  • l'utilisation (the usage)
  • l'urbanisme (the urban planning)
  • l'utopie (the utopia)
  • l'urgence (the urgency)
  • l'ultrason (the ultrasound)

L'urbanisme moderne doit prendre en compte la durabilité.
(Modern urban planning must take sustainability into account.)

5. Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns

Concrete Nouns

  • l'uniforme (the uniform)
  • l'urticaire (the hives)
  • l'utérus (the uterus)
  • l'ukulele (the ukulele)
  • l'ustensile (the utensil)

L'uniforme des pompiers est reconnaissable.
(The firefighters' uniform is recognizable.)

Abstract Nouns

  • l'unité (the unity)
  • l'usage (the usage)
  • l'ultimatum (the ultimatum)
  • l'utopie (the utopia)
  • l'urgent (the urgency)

L'usage de cette méthode a changé la manière dont nous travaillons.
(The use of this method has changed the way we work.)

6. Collective Nouns

  • les utilisateurs (the users)
  • les unités (the units)
  • les urgences (the emergencies)
  • les utopistes (the utopians)
  • les univers (the universes)

Les utilisateurs de ce logiciel sont très satisfaits.
(Users of this software are very satisfied.)

7. Compound Nouns

  • l'urbanisme durable (sustainable urban planning)
  • l'utilisation d'énergie (the use of energy)
  • l'ukulele électrique (the electric ukulele)
  • l'unité de mesure (the unit of measurement)
  • l'urgente situation (the urgent situation)

L'urbanisme durable est crucial pour l'avenir de nos villes.
(Sustainable urban planning is crucial for the future of our cities.)

Sample text

Here is an example text where we are using different French nouns that start with “U”:

French Version

Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de me concentrer sur ma utilisation des technologies. J'ai commencé ma journée par un bon café, en prenant le temps de réfléchir à l'impact de l'internet sur notre vie quotidienne. Je me suis rendu compte que, bien que l'internet offre de nombreuses opportunités, il peut aussi être une source de distraction.

Ensuite, j'ai passé quelques heures à lire un livre sur l'urbanisme. Ce livre expliquait comment la conception des villes influence la qualité de vie des habitants. J'ai été particulièrement intéressé par les chapitres sur la création d'espaces verts, qui favorisent la santé et le bien-être des citoyens.

Après ma lecture, j'ai décidé d'aller faire une promenade dans mon quartier pour observer les changements apportés par les projets d'urbanisme récents. J'ai remarqué de nouveaux bâtiments et des unités de logement qui avaient été construites pour répondre à la demande croissante de logements.

En rentrant chez moi, j'ai réfléchi à la façon dont ces développements pourraient affecter l'avenir de notre ville. C'était une journée enrichissante, pleine de découvertes et de réflexions sur notre environnement et son évolution.


Today, I decided to focus on my usage of technology. I started my day with a good coffee, taking the time to reflect on the impact of the internet on our daily lives. I realized that while the internet offers many opportunities, it can also be a source of distraction.

Then, I spent a few hours reading a book on urban planning. This book explained how the design of cities influences the quality of life for residents. I was particularly interested in the chapters about creating green spaces, which promote the health and well-being of citizens.

After my reading, I decided to take a walk in my neighborhood to observe the changes brought about by recent urban planning projects. I noticed new buildings and units of housing that had been constructed to meet the growing demand for housing.

On my way back home, I reflected on how these developments might affect the future of our city. It was an enriching day, full of discoveries and reflections on our environment and its evolution.