Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “L”:
List of French verbs starting with L
- labelliser: to label
- labourer: to plow
- lacer: to lace
- lacérer: to tear
- lainer: to wool
- laisser: to leave
- lambiner: to dawdle
- lambrisser: to panel
- lamenter: to lament
- laminer: å rulle
- lamper: to gulp
- lancer: to throw
- lanciner: to throb
- langer: to swaddle
- languir: å forsvinne
- lanterner: to idle
- laper: to lap
- lapider: to stone
- laquer: to lacquer
- larder: to lard
- larguer: to release
- larmoyer: to tear up
- lasser: to weary
- latiniser: to Latinize
- latter: å gå om bord
- laver: to wash
- laïciser: to secularize
- lessiver: to wash
- lester: to ballast
- leurrer: å lokke
- lever: to raise
- libeller: to draft
- libéraliser: to liberalize
- libérer: til fri
- licencier: to dismiss
- lier: to bind
- lifter: to lift
- ligaturer: to ligate
- ligner: to line
- ligoter: to tie up
- liguer: til alliert
- limer: to file
- limiter: for å begrense
- limoger: to dismiss
- liquider: to liquidate
- liquéfier: to liquefy
- lire: å lese
- lisser: for å glatte
- lister: to list
- lithographier: to lithograph
- livrer: to deliver
- lober: to lob
- localiser: to localize
- lockouter: to lock out
- loger: to house
- longer: to run along
- lorgner: to ogle
- lotionner: to apply lotion
- lotir: to allot
- loucher: å myse
- louer: to rent
- louper: to miss
- lourder: to burden
- louvoyer: to tack
- lover: to coil
- lubrifier: to lubricate
- luire: å skinne
- lustrer: å polere
- lutiner: å erte
- lutter: å kjempe
- luxer: to dislocate
- lyncher: to lynch
- lyophiliser: to freeze-dry
- lâcher: to let go
- lécher: to lick
- légaliser: to legalize
- légender: to caption
- légiférer: to legislate
- légitimer: to legitimize
- léguer: to bequeath
- léser: to harm
- lésiner: to skimp
- lézarder: to crack