French verbs that start with the letter T

Here’s a list of French verbs that start with the letter “T”:

List of French verbs starting with T

  • tabasser: å banke opp
  • tabler: to rely on
  • tacher: to stain
  • tacheter: to speckle
  • taguer: to tag (graffiti)
  • taillader: å skjære
  • tailler: to cut
  • taire: to keep quiet
  • talonner: to follow closely
  • talquer: to powder
  • tambouriner: to drum
  • tamiser: å sile
  • tamponner: to stamp
  • tancer: to reprimand
  • tanguer: to sway
  • tanner: to tan
  • taper: to hit
  • tapiner: to prostitute oneself
  • tapir: to crouch
  • tapisser: to wallpaper
  • taper: to print (type)
  • tapoter: to tap
  • taquiner: å erte
  • tarabuster: to bother
  • tarauder: to drill
  • tarder: to delay
  • tarer: to defect
  • targuer: to boast
  • tarifer: to price
  • tarir: to dry up
  • tartiner: to spread (on bread)
  • tasser: to pack down
  • tatouer: to tattoo
  • taxer: to tax
  • tâcher: to strive
  • tâter: to feel
  • tâtonner: to grope
  • tchatcher: to chat (informal)
  • teindre: to dye
  • teinter: to tint
  • temporiser: to stall
  • tempérer: to temper
  • tempêter: to storm
  • tenailler: å pine
  • tendre: to stretch
  • tenir: to hold
  • tenter: å forsøke
  • tergiverser: å utsette
  • terminer: til slutt
  • ternir: to tarnish
  • terrasser: to floor
  • terrer: to bury
  • terrifier: å skremme
  • terroriser: to terrorize
  • tester: to test
  • télescoper: to collide
  • télexer: to send a telex
  • télécharger: to download
  • télécommander: to remote control
  • télédiffuser: to broadcast
  • télégraphier: to telegraph
  • téléguider: to guide remotely
  • téléphoner: to telephone
  • téléporter: to teleport
  • téléviser: to televise
  • témoigner: to testify
  • tétaniser: to paralyze
  • téter: to suckle
  • théoriser: to theorize
  • thésauriser: to hoard
  • timbrer: to stamp
  • tinter: to ring
  • tintinnabuler: to tinkle
  • tiquer: to flinch
  • tirailler: to tug
  • tirer: to pull
  • tiser: to drink alcohol (informal)
  • tisonner: to poke (a fire)
  • tisser: to weave
  • titiller: to tickle
  • titrer: to title
  • tituber: to stagger
  • titulariser: to make permanent
  • tiédir: to cool down
  • toiletter: to groom
  • toiser: to look down on
  • tolérer: to tolerate
  • tomber: to fall
  • tondre: to mow
  • tonguer: to sway (nautical)
  • tonifier: to tone
  • tonitruer: to thunder
  • tonner: to thunder
  • toquer: to knock
  • torcher: to wipe
  • torchonner: to scribble
  • tordre: to twist
  • torpiller: to torpedo
  • torréfier: to roast (coffee)
  • torsader: to twist
  • tortiller: to wiggle
  • torturer: to torture
  • toréer: to bullfight
  • totaliser: to total
  • toucher: to touch
  • touer: to tow
  • touiller: to stir
  • tourbillonner: to swirl
  • tourmenter: å pine
  • tournailler: to spin around
  • tournebouler: å opprøre
  • tourner: to turn
  • tournicoter: to spin around
  • tournoyer: to whirl
  • toussailler: to cough
  • tousser: to cough
  • toussoter: to clear one's throat
  • tracasser: å bekymre seg
  • tracer: to trace
  • tracter: to tow
  • traduire: to translate
  • traficoter: to tinker with
  • trafiquer: to traffic
  • trahir: to betray
  • traire: to milk
  • traiter: to treat
  • tramer: to weave
  • trancher: to slice
  • tranquilliser: å roe seg ned
  • transbahuter: to cart around
  • transborder: to transship
  • transcender: to transcend
  • transcoder: to transcode
  • transcrire: to transcribe
  • transfigurer: to transfigure
  • transformer: to transform
  • transfuser: to transfuse
  • transférer: to transfer
  • transgresser: to transgress
  • transhumer: to migrate (for animals)
  • transiger: to compromise
  • transir: to freeze
  • transistoriser: to transistorize
  • transiter: to transit
  • transmettre: to transmit
  • transmuer: to transmute
  • transparaître: to show through
  • transpercer: to pierce
  • transpirer: to sweat
  • transplanter: to transplant
  • transporter: to transport
  • transposer: to transpose
  • transvaser: to decant
  • transvider: to empty
  • traquer: to track down
  • traumatiser: to traumatize
  • travailler: til arbeid
  • travailloter: to work casually
  • traverser: to cross
  • travestir: to disguise
  • traînailler: to dawdle
  • traînasser: to loiter
  • traîner: to drag
  • trembler: to tremble
  • trembloter: to quiver
  • tremper: to soak
  • tressaillir: to startle
  • tressauter: to jolt
  • tresser: to braid
  • treuiller: to winch
  • tricher: to cheat
  • tricoter: to knit
  • trier: to sort
  • trifouiller: to rummage
  • trimbaler: to lug around
  • trimballer: to drag around
  • trimer: to toil
  • tringler: to fasten with rings
  • trinquer: to toast (drink)
  • triompher: to triumph
  • tripatouiller: to fiddle with
  • tripler: to triple
  • tripoter: to fidget with
  • trisser: to screech (for birds)
  • triturer: å knuse
  • tromper: å lure
  • trompeter: to trumpet
  • troncher: to chop off
  • tronquer: to truncate
  • tronçonner: to cut up
  • troquer: to barter
  • trotter: to trot
  • trottiner: to trot (lightly)
  • troubler: to disturb
  • trouer: to pierce
  • trousser: to hike up
  • trouver: to find
  • truander: to swindle
  • trucider: to bump off
  • truffer: to stuff (culinary)
  • truquer: to rig
  • truster: å monopolisere
  • trébucher: å snuble
  • trémousser: to wiggle
  • trépaner: to trepan
  • trépasser: to pass away
  • trépider: to tremble
  • trépigner: to stamp
  • trôner: to preside
  • tuer: to kill
  • turbiner: to work hard (informal)
  • turlupiner: to bother
  • tutoyer: to use “tu” with someone
  • tuyauter: to tip off (informal)
  • typer: to type
  • tyranniser: to tyrannize