In Spanish, words starting with the letter “I” are diverse, ranging from common terms to more specialized vocabulary. Here’s a comprehensive list of such words, each accompanied by a brief description.
- Ídolo: Idol; a person or object of great admiration or devotion.
- Igual: Equal; having the same value, quantity, or measure as another.
- Iglesia: Church; a building used for Christian worship and religious activities.
- Ilusión: Illusion; a false perception or belief that something is true or real when it is not.
- Imagen: Image; a visual representation or likeness of something.
- Imaginación: Imagination; the ability to form new ideas or images not present to the senses.
- Imperio: Empire; a group of nations or peoples ruled by a single sovereign authority.
- Importante: Important; significant or valuable in terms of impact or consequences.
- Impuesto: Tax; a mandatory financial contribution imposed by a government.
- Increíble: Incredible; something so remarkable or unusual that it is hard to believe.
- Independencia: Independence; the state of being free from control or influence of others.
- Industrias: Industries; sectors of the economy concerned with the production of goods.
- Infancia: Childhood; the period of life when a person is a child.
- Infección: Infection; the invasion of an organism’s body tissues by disease-causing agents.
- Inflación: Inflation; the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.
- Informático: Computer scientist; relating to computers or computing.
- Informar: To inform; to give information or make something known.
- Infracción: Infraction; a violation or breach of a law or rule.
- Ingeniero: Engineer; a professional who designs, builds, or maintains engines or structures.
- Ingrato: Ungrateful; not showing or expressing gratitude.
- Iniciar: To start; to begin or commence something.
- Inocente: Innocent; not guilty of a crime or offense; pure and harmless.
- Innovador: Innovative; introducing new ideas or methods.
- Instante: Instant; a very brief moment of time.
- Institución: Institution; an established organization or foundation, especially one of a public or charitable nature.
- Inteligente: Intelligent; having the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
- Interesante: Interesting; arousing curiosity or interest.
- Intervención: Intervention; the action or process of intervening, often to help or improve a situation.
- Inventar: To invent; to create or design something that has not existed before.
- Invisible: Invisible; unable to be seen.
- Íntimo: Intimate; closely acquainted or personal.
- Isla: Island; a piece of land completely surrounded by water.