Woorden die beginnen met Z in het Spaans

In Spanish, words starting with the letter Z are less common compared to other letters, but they still cover a range of meanings and uses. Here is a list of Spanish words beginning with Z, along with their descriptions:

  • zafiro: Sapphire; a precious gemstone that is typically blue but can come in other colors.
  • zaga: The back or rear part of something; in anatomy, it can refer to the back of a body or structure.
  • zaguar: A type of traditional Spanish hut or shelter made from local materials.
  • zancada: A stride or long step, often used to describe a long, decisive movement.
  • zangolotino: An informal term meaning a fidgety or restless person.
  • zapatilla: A slipper or soft shoe, often worn indoors for comfort.
  • zapato: A shoe, typically referring to a more formal or dress shoe.
  • zarza: A bramble or thorny bush, often found in wild areas.
  • zarza: A berry produced by such a bush, like the blackberry.
  • zarzuela: A Spanish operatic form that combines spoken dialogue with singing.
  • zona: A zone or area, referring to a specific geographic or designated part of a place.
  • zorro: Fox; a small to medium-sized carnivorous mammal known for its cunning nature.

Each of these words starts with Z and encompasses a variety of meanings and contexts.