Adjectivos com "eux" em francês

French adjectives ending in “eux” often describe qualities or characteristics, and they play a crucial role in both written and spoken language. Below is a list of common adjectives that end in “eux,” along with a brief description of each.


“Heureux” translates to “happy” or “joyful” in English. It describes a state of contentment or satisfaction.


“Malheureux” means “unhappy” or “unfortunate.” It is used to express a lack of happiness or to describe a state of misfortune.


“Sérieux” translates to “serious.” It describes someone who is earnest or not joking around, often used in contexts where gravity or depth is required.


“Chanceux” means “lucky” or “fortunate.” It refers to someone who experiences good fortune or is favored by chance.


“Curieux” translates to “curious.” It describes someone who is eager to learn or know more about something.


“Dangereux” means “dangerous.” It is used to describe something that poses a risk or threat.


“Ambitieux” translates to “ambitious.” It describes someone who has a strong desire to achieve success or reach high goals.


“Précieux” means “precious” or “valuable.” It can describe something that is highly esteemed or treasured.


“Joyeux” translates to “joyful” or “merry.” It is used to describe a state of happiness or festive spirit.


“Merveilleux” means “marvelous” or “wonderful.” It describes something that inspires admiration or awe.


“Satisfaisant” translates to “satisfying.” Although not ending in “eux,” it is sometimes mistakenly grouped with similar adjectives. It refers to something that meets expectations or requirements.

These adjectives enrich the French language by providing precise descriptions and adding emotional or qualitative nuances to communication.


Exemplos de frases

Here are sample sentences for each of the adjectives listed:


  • Je suis très heureux d’avoir réussi mon examen.
    (I am very happy to have passed my exam.)


  • Elle se sent malheureuse depuis la perte de son animal de compagnie.
    (She feels unhappy since the loss of her pet.)


  • Le professeur est très sérieux pendant les cours.
    (The professor is very serious during classes.)


  • Il a eu la chance de trouver un billet de concert gratuitement; il est vraiment chanceux.
    (He was lucky to find a free concert ticket; he is really lucky.)


  • Le jeune enfant est très curieux et pose beaucoup de questions.
    (The young child is very curious and asks many questions.)


  • Le sentier de montagne est dangereux en hiver à cause de la glace.
    (The mountain trail is dangerous in winter because of the ice.)


  • Elle est une personne ambitieuse qui veut toujours atteindre de nouveaux sommets.
    (She is an ambitious person who always wants to reach new heights.)


  • Ce collier est un cadeau précieux de ma grand-mère.
    (This necklace is a precious gift from my grandmother.)


  • Nous avons passé une journée joyeuse à célébrer son anniversaire.
    (We had a joyful day celebrating his birthday.)


  • Le coucher de soleil était vraiment merveilleux ce soir.
    (The sunset was truly marvelous this evening.)