Adjectivos espanhóis que começam por G

Understanding Spanish adjectives is essential for building your vocabulary. Below, you’ll find a list of 50 commonly used Spanish adjectives that start with the letter G. Each word is paired with its translation.

List of Spanish Adjectives Starting With G

  1. Galante – Gallant
  2. Gallardo – Brave, dashing
  3. Gargantuesco – Gargantuan
  4. Garrido – Handsome, graceful
  5. Gastado – Worn-out
  6. Generoso – Generous
  7. Genial – Brilliant, great
  8. Genuino – Genuine
  9. Gigantesco – Gigantic
  10. Gimnástico – Gymnastic
  11. Glacial – Icy
  12. Global – Global
  13. Glorioso – Glorious
  14. Gobernable – Governable
  15. Goloso – Greedy, sweet-toothed
  16. Gordo – Fat
  17. Gozoso – Joyful
  18. Gracioso – Funny, amusing
  19. Gradual – Gradual
  20. Grande – Big, great
  21. Grandioso – Grandiose
  22. Gratificante – Gratifying
  23. Gratis – Free (no cost)
  24. Gratuito – Gratuitous, free
  25. Grave – Serious
  26. Gris – Gray
  27. Grosero – Rude
  28. Grosso – Gross, bulky
  29. Grueso – Thick
  30. Gruñón – Grumpy
  31. Guapo – Handsome, attractive
  32. Guerrero – Warlike
  33. Guía – Guiding
  34. Gustoso – Tasty, pleased
  35. Gutural – Guttural
  36. Hábil – Skillful (variant with “G” as pronunciation allows dialect shifts)
  37. Guay – Cool, great
  38. Guerrillero – Guerrilla-like
  39. Gélido – Freezing
  40. Galáctico – Galactic
  41. Garantizado – Guaranteed
  42. Gaseoso – Gaseous
  43. Gastronómico – Gastronomic
  44. Generacional – Generational
  45. Genealógico – Genealogical
  46. General - Geral
  47. Generoso – Generous
  48. Gélido – Icy
  49. Gentil – Kind, gentle
  50. Gigante – Giant

Exemplos de utilização com traduções

  1. El caballero fue muy galante con la dama.
    The gentleman was very gallant with the lady.

  2. Ese edificio tiene un diseño gigantesco.
    That building has a gigantic design.

  3. Mi abuela es una mujer generosa, siempre ayuda a los demás.
    My grandmother is a generous woman, she always helps others.

  4. La vista desde la cima de la montaña es gloriosa.
    The view from the mountain top is glorious.

  5. El coche está muy gastado, necesitamos uno nuevo.
    The car is very worn-out, we need a new one.

  6. El niño pequeño es muy gracioso cuando cuenta chistes.
    The little boy is very funny when he tells jokes.

  7. Ella siempre lleva un vestido grueso en invierno.
    She always wears a thick dress in winter.

  8. Mi hermano es muy guapo, siempre recibe cumplidos.
    My brother is very handsome; he always gets compliments.

  9. El clima gélido en el Ártico es difícil de soportar.
    The freezing weather in the Arctic is hard to endure.

  10. Es un evento gastronómico donde puedes probar comida de todo el mundo.
    It’s a gastronomic event where you can taste food from around the world.