Understanding Spanish adjectives is essential for building your vocabulary. Below, you’ll find a list of 50 commonly used Spanish adjectives that start with the letter G. Each word is paired with its translation.
List of Spanish Adjectives Starting With G
- Galante – Gallant
- Gallardo – Brave, dashing
- Gargantuesco – Gargantuan
- Garrido – Handsome, graceful
- Gastado – Worn-out
- Generoso – Generous
- Genial – Brilliant, great
- Genuino – Genuine
- Gigantesco – Gigantic
- Gimnástico – Gymnastic
- Glacial – Icy
- Global – Global
- Glorioso – Glorious
- Gobernable – Governable
- Goloso – Greedy, sweet-toothed
- Gordo – Fat
- Gozoso – Joyful
- Gracioso – Funny, amusing
- Gradual – Gradual
- Grande – Big, great
- Grandioso – Grandiose
- Gratificante – Gratifying
- Gratis – Free (no cost)
- Gratuito – Gratuitous, free
- Grave – Serious
- Gris – Gray
- Grosero – Rude
- Grosso – Gross, bulky
- Grueso – Thick
- Gruñón – Grumpy
- Guapo – Handsome, attractive
- Guerrero – Warlike
- Guía – Guiding
- Gustoso – Tasty, pleased
- Gutural – Guttural
- Hábil – Skillful (variant with “G” as pronunciation allows dialect shifts)
- Guay – Cool, great
- Guerrillero – Guerrilla-like
- Gélido – Freezing
- Galáctico – Galactic
- Garantizado – Guaranteed
- Gaseoso – Gaseous
- Gastronómico – Gastronomic
- Generacional – Generational
- Genealógico – Genealogical
- General - Geral
- Generoso – Generous
- Gélido – Icy
- Gentil – Kind, gentle
- Gigante – Giant
Exemplos de utilização com traduções
El caballero fue muy galante con la dama.
The gentleman was very gallant with the lady. -
Ese edificio tiene un diseño gigantesco.
That building has a gigantic design. -
Mi abuela es una mujer generosa, siempre ayuda a los demás.
My grandmother is a generous woman, she always helps others. -
La vista desde la cima de la montaña es gloriosa.
The view from the mountain top is glorious. -
El coche está muy gastado, necesitamos uno nuevo.
The car is very worn-out, we need a new one. -
El niño pequeño es muy gracioso cuando cuenta chistes.
The little boy is very funny when he tells jokes. -
Ella siempre lleva un vestido grueso en invierno.
She always wears a thick dress in winter. -
Mi hermano es muy guapo, siempre recibe cumplidos.
My brother is very handsome; he always gets compliments. -
El clima gélido en el Ártico es difícil de soportar.
The freezing weather in the Arctic is hard to endure. -
Es un evento gastronómico donde puedes probar comida de todo el mundo.
It’s a gastronomic event where you can taste food from around the world.