Palavras que começam com U em espanhol

Here’s a list of Spanish words that start with the letter U, along with brief descriptions of each:

  • Ubicación – Location or place where something is situated.
  • Ubiquérrimo – Extremely ubiquitous; present everywhere.
  • Ucrania – Ukraine, a country in Eastern Europe.
  • Ud – An abbreviation for “usted,” which is a formal way to address someone as “you.”
  • Udo – A type of plant known for its medicinal properties, or a given name.
  • Ujier – A doorman or usher, someone who manages entry into a place.
  • Ultravioleta – Ultraviolet, referring to the type of light rays that are beyond the visible spectrum.
  • Umbra – The darkest part of a shadow, especially the shadow of a celestial body.
  • Unánime – Unanimous, when everyone is in agreement.
  • Unción – Anointing, the act of applying oil as part of a ritual or ceremony.
  • Undécimo – Eleventh in a sequence.
  • Unidad – Unit or unity; a single entity or the state of being united.
  • Universal – Universal, referring to something that is applicable everywhere or to everyone.
  • Universidad – University, an institution of higher learning.
  • Unisonido – Unison, a musical term for playing or singing the same note simultaneously.
  • Urgencia – Urgency, the state of requiring immediate attention.
  • Urna – Urn, a container often used for holding ashes or for voting.
  • Uso – Use or usage; the act of employing something for a particular purpose.
  • Usufructo – Usufruct, a legal right to enjoy the use and advantages of another's property.
  • Usura – Usury, the practice of lending money at unreasonably high interest rates.
  • Utopía – Utopia, an ideal place or state of perfection that does not exist.

Each of these words provides a glimpse into various aspects of Spanish vocabulary starting with “U”.