Adjetivos com X em inglês

Finding adjectives that start with the letter X can be quite challenging in most languages, including English. Below is a list of Egnlish adjectives beginning with X, which may come in handy for various purposes.

Common Adjectives with X

  • Xenophobic: Showing dislike or prejudice against people from other countries.
  • Xenial: Hospitable; relating to the relationship between host and guest.
  • Xerothermic: Characterized by a dry and hot climate.

Rare and Technical Adjectives with X

  • Xanthic: Yellowish; relating to or resembling yellow.
  • Xenolithic: Containing or composed of foreign or foreign-origin materials, often used in geology.
  • Xeric: Describing an environment with very little moisture; dry.

Specialized Adjectives with X

  • Xylophagous: Feeding on wood, commonly used in entomology.
  • Xenogenetic: Pertaining to or produced by foreign or unrelated genetic material.

Sample Sentences

Here are sample sentences using some of the adjectives from the list:

  1. Xenophobic: The xenophobic remarks made by the politician caused a stir in the international community.
  2. Xenial: The host's xenial nature made the guests feel welcomed and at ease throughout the event.
  3. Xerothermic: The desert's xerothermic conditions make it a challenging environment for most forms of life.
  4. Xanthic: The artist chose a xanthic palette to capture the vibrant hues of the sunset.
  5. Xenolithic: The geologist identified several xenolithic fragments within the volcanic rock sample.
  6. Xeric: Cacti are well-adapted to xeric conditions, thriving in environments with minimal rainfall.
  7. Xylophagous: The xylophagous beetles were damaging the wooden structure of the old house.