French Nouns That Start With B

When learning French, it can be helpful to focus on commonly used nouns to build your vocabulary. Below is a list of 50 French nouns that start with the letter “B” and their translations.

Common French Nouns Starting with B

  • le bébé (the baby)
  • la baguette (a baguete)
  • le bain (the bath)
  • le ballon (the ball)
  • le banc (the bench)
  • la banane (the banana)
  • le bateau (o barco)
  • le bâtiment (o edifício)
  • la batterie (the battery)
  • le beurre (the butter)
  • la bière (the beer)
  • le bijou (the jewel)
  • la boîte (the box)
  • le bois (the wood)
  • le bonbon (the candy)
  • le bras (the arm)
  • le bureau (the office/desk)
  • le bouchon (the cork)
  • la bouche (the mouth)
  • la brosse (the brush)
  • la boule (the ball)
  • le bruit (the noise)
  • le beurre de cacahuète (the peanut butter)
  • la barbe (the beard)
  • le bouton (the button)
  • la balle (the ball, small size)
  • la boutique (the shop)
  • le bonnet (the hat/beanie)
  • le bonheur (the happiness)
  • le blé (the wheat)
  • le bois (the forest/wood)
  • le bar (the bar)
  • le bouquin (the book, informal)
  • le buffet (the sideboard/buffet)
  • la bougie (the candle)
  • le bisou (the kiss, informal)
  • le boeuf (the beef)
  • la bataille (the battle)
  • le billet (o bilhete)
  • la bibliothèque (the library)
  • le bloc (the block)
  • le balai (the broom)
  • le banc (the bench)
  • la banlieue (the suburb)
  • la bague (the ring)
  • la broche (the brooch)
  • le bouton (the pimple)
  • la blague (the joke)
  • le bain (the bath)
  • le bonnet (the beanie/hat)

Different Groups of Nouns

In the following you will find examples of French nouns starting with “B” divided into different groups of nouns:

1. Gender-Based Nouns

Substantivos masculinos

  • le bébé (the baby)
  • le bateau (o barco)
  • le banc (the bench)
  • le beurre (the butter)
  • le bureau (the office)

Le bébé dort dans son lit.
(The baby is sleeping in his bed.)

Substantivos femininos

  • la banane (the banana)
  • la boîte (the box)
  • la bouche (the mouth)
  • la bière (the beer)
  • la brosse (the brush)

La boîte est remplie de chocolats.
(The box is filled with chocolates.)

2. Number-Based Nouns

Singular Nouns

  • le bisou (the kiss)
  • le billet (o bilhete)
  • le blé (the wheat)
  • le banc (the bench)
  • le bloc (the block)

Le billet de train est cher aujourd’hui.
(The train ticket is expensive today.)

Plural Nouns

  • les biscuits (the biscuits)
  • les ballons (the balloons)
  • les bois (the woods)
  • les bureaux (the offices)
  • les bijoux (the jewels)

Les bijoux qu’elle porte sont magnifiques.
(The jewelry she wears is beautiful.)

3. Proper vs. Common Nouns

Proper Nouns

  • Bruxelles (Brussels)
  • Bordeaux (Bordeaux)
  • Bretagne (Brittany)
  • Berlin (Berlin)
  • Bali (Bali)

Nous partons en vacances à Bali cet été.
(We are going on vacation to Bali this summer.)

Common Nouns

  • le beurre (the butter)
  • la banane (the banana)
  • le bateau (o barco)
  • la balle (the ball)
  • la bière (the beer)

Le beurre est indispensable pour faire ce gâteau.
(Butter is essential to make this cake.)

4. Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

  • le ballon (the balloon)
  • la bouteille (the bottle)
  • le bonbon (the candy)
  • la balle (the small ball)
  • le biscuit (the cookie)

Le ballon est tombé dans le jardin voisin.
(The balloon fell into the neighbor’s garden.)

Uncountable Nouns

  • le beurre (the butter)
  • le blé (the wheat)
  • le bois (the wood)
  • l’air (the air)
  • le bonheur (the happiness)

Le beurre fond sur la poêle chaude.
(The butter is melting on the hot pan.)

5. Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns

Concrete Nouns

  • le banc (the bench)
  • le bâtiment (o edifício)
  • le bijou (the jewel)
  • la bougie (the candle)
  • le bonnet (the hat)

Le bâtiment est en rénovation.
(The building is under renovation.)

Abstract Nouns

  • le bonheur (happiness)
  • la bataille (battle)
  • le bruit (noise)
  • la blague (joke)
  • la bonté (kindness)

Le bonheur est difficile à définir.
(Happiness is hard to define.)

6. Collective Nouns

  • la brigade (the brigade)
  • l’assemblée (the assembly)
  • le bataillon (the battalion)
  • la banque (the bank)
  • le bureau (the office/team)

La brigade des pompiers est arrivée rapidement.
(The fire brigade arrived quickly.)

7. Compound Nouns

  • le beau-père (the father-in-law)
  • la belle-mère (the mother-in-law)
  • le porte-bonheur (the lucky charm)
  • le bateau-mouche (the riverboat)
  • le bonhomme (the fellow, informal)

Mon beau-père est venu nous rendre visite hier.
(My father-in-law came to visit us yesterday.)

Sample text

Here is an example where we are using different French nouns that start with “B”:

French Version

Ce matin, j’ai pris un délicieux petit-déjeuner avec du pain et du beurre. Ensuite, je me suis promené dans le parc près de chez moi. En marchant, j’ai remarqué un vieux banc sous un grand chêne. Je me suis assis pour profiter de la tranquillité. Autour de moi, il y avait quelques enfants qui jouaient avec un ballon en riant. Le soleil brillait doucement à travers les feuilles des arbres, créant une ambiance paisible.

Pendant que je regardais les enfants jouer, j’ai reçu un message sur mon téléphone. Mon beau-père  me demandait si je pouvais l’aider à réparer quelque chose chez lui cet après-midi. Il m’a dit qu’il y avait un problème avec le toit de son bâtiment. Comme je suis toujours heureux de l’aider, j’ai accepté tout de suite.

Après quelques minutes de réflexion sur le travail qui m’attendait, je me suis levé du banc et j’ai repris ma marche. Sur le chemin du retour, je suis passé devant une petite boutique où je m’arrête souvent pour acheter du pain frais. J’ai décidé d’y entrer et de prendre une baguette pour mon dîner. Ce fut une matinée calme et agréable, pleine de petites activités simples qui apportent du bonheur.


This morning, I had a delicious breakfast with bread and butter. Then, I took a walk in the park near my house. While walking, I noticed an old bench under a large oak tree. I sat down to enjoy the tranquility. Around me, there were a few children playing with a ball, laughing. The sun was softly shining through the leaves of the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

While watching the children play, I received a message on my phone. My father-in-law asked if I could help him fix something at his house this afternoon. He said there was a problem with the roof of his building. Since I’m always happy to help him, I immediately agreed.

After a few minutes of thinking about the work ahead, I got up from the bench and resumed my walk. On the way back, I passed by a small shop where I often stop to buy fresh bread. I decided to go in and get a baguette for my dinner. It was a calm and pleasant morning, full of simple little activities that bring happiness.