Words that starts with B in German

Here is a list of German words that start with the letter B, along with a brief description of each:

  • Bär: Bear.
  • Baum: Tree.
  • Buch: Book.
  • Bier: Beer.
  • Bild: Picture.
  • Brücke: Bridge.
  • Blume: Flower.
  • Brot: Bread.
  • Beruf: Profession or job.
  • Büro: Office.
  • Brief: Letter (correspondence).
  • Bahn: Train or railway.
  • Ballen: Ball (as in a spherical object).
  • Batterie: Battery.
  • Besen: Broom.
  • Bank: Bank (financial institution) or bench.
  • Bein: Leg.
  • Blatt: Leaf or sheet of paper.
  • Berg: Mountain.
  • Bauer: Farmer.
  • Bad: Bath.
  • Bett: Bed.
  • Bord: Board (as in a ship or plane).
  • Bänder: Bands or ribbons.

Feel free to look into each word further to explore their uses and nuances in different contexts.