Words that starts with R in German

If you're exploring German vocabulary, you'll find many interesting words that start with the letter R. Here’s a comprehensive list of such words along with brief descriptions for each.

  • Raben – Ravens; large, black birds known for their intelligence and adaptability.
  • Rache – Revenge; the act of retaliating for a wrong or injury.
  • Rad – Wheel; a circular object that rotates on an axle and is essential for vehicles.
  • Radio – Radio; a device used for receiving and transmitting sound via electromagnetic waves.
  • Raum – Space or room; an area or volume that is free or available.
  • Regen – Rain; precipitation in the form of liquid water droplets falling from the sky.
  • Reich – Empire or realm; a political unit, often large and historically significant.
  • Reise – Journey or travel; the act of moving from one place to another.
  • Ritter – Knight; a medieval soldier of high social rank, often serving a monarch.
  • Rolle – Role or roll; a part played by an actor or a cylindrical object used in various contexts.
  • Rosen – Roses; flowering plants known for their beautiful blooms and pleasant fragrance.
  • Rucksack – Backpack; a bag with shoulder straps used for carrying items, especially when hiking.
  • Rübe – Turnip; a root vegetable commonly used in cooking and agriculture.
  • Rücken – Back; the rear part of the body from the neck to the lower torso.
  • Ritual – Ritual; a set of actions performed regularly, often with symbolic meaning.
  • Reißverschluss – Zipper; a fastening device used on clothing and bags, consisting of interlocking teeth.
  • Ritterrüstung – Suit of armor; protective clothing worn by knights during combat.
  • Rechnung – Invoice or calculation; a document detailing amounts due or a mathematical computation.
  • Reklame – Advertisement; a message designed to promote a product or service.
  • Ruhm – Fame; widespread recognition or acclaim, often associated with achievements or accomplishments.
  • Rosenkranz – Rosary; a string of beads used in prayer and meditation, especially in Catholicism.
  • Rennen – Race; a competition of speed between individuals or vehicles.
  • Rausch – Intoxication; a state of being under the influence of substances like alcohol or drugs.
  • Rinden – Bark; the outer covering of a tree's trunk and branches.
  • Ratten – Rats; small, typically nocturnal rodents often considered pests.
  • Reiher – Heron; a wading bird known for its long legs and neck.
  • Riegel – Bar or bolt; a metal piece used for fastening doors or gates.
  • Räumung – Evacuation or clearance; the act of removing people or objects from a place.
  • Reiter – Rider; a person who rides a horse or another animal.
  • Ruhestand – Retirement; the period in life when one stops working after reaching a certain age or length of service.
  • Regierung – Government; the organization through which authority and control are exercised over a nation or community.
  • Röntgen – X-ray; a form of electromagnetic radiation used for imaging internal structures of the body.
  • Rückkehr – Return; the act of coming back to a place after being away.
  • Riss – Tear or crack; a split or fracture in a surface or material.

This list provides a snapshot of diverse German vocabulary starting with R, offering insights into various aspects of the language and culture.