Words that starts with V in German

If you're exploring German vocabulary, you might be interested in words that start with the letter V. Here is a comprehensive list of such words along with brief descriptions for each.

  • Vater – Father. A common word used to refer to one's male parent.
  • Vaterland – Homeland or fatherland. Refers to one's country of origin or the nation one feels a deep connection to.
  • Vorteil – Advantage. Used to describe a beneficial aspect or a gain that one might have over another.
  • Vorurteil – Prejudice. Refers to an unfounded or biased opinion about someone or something.
  • Vorlesung – Lecture. A term used for an educational talk or presentation given to an audience, often in a formal setting.
  • Vorbereitung – Preparation. The process of getting ready for something or organizing necessary steps in advance.
  • Vorschlag – Suggestion. An idea or proposal put forward for consideration or discussion.
  • Vertrag – Contract. A formal agreement between parties that outlines terms and obligations.
  • Verantwortung – Responsibility. The state or duty of being accountable for something or someone.
  • Verwendung – Use. Refers to the action of employing something for a particular purpose.
  • Verkehr – Traffic. The movement of vehicles or people along roads or through other transit systems.
  • Verstand – Understanding or intellect. The capacity to think and reason logically.
  • Verarbeitung – Processing. The act of converting or refining raw materials into a more usable form.
  • Vermögen – Wealth or assets. Refers to financial resources or the total value of a person’s possessions.
  • Verletzung – Injury or violation. Used to describe harm to the body or a breach of rules or rights.
  • Versicherung – Insurance. A financial arrangement to provide protection against potential losses or damages.
  • Verbindung – Connection or link. Refers to a relationship or association between two or more entities.
  • Verliebtheit – Infatuation. The state of being passionately in love or attracted to someone.
  • Vermieter – Landlord. The person who owns property and rents it out to tenants.
  • Vorteilsnahme – Beneficiary. A person who receives benefits or advantages from a particular arrangement.
  • Verfügung – Disposal or command. Refers to the control or authority to use something, or an official order or directive.
  • Vollmacht – Power of attorney. The authority given to someone to act on another person's behalf in legal or financial matters.
  • Verhalten – Behavior. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
  • Verabredung – Appointment or agreement. Refers to a prearranged meeting or arrangement between parties.
  • Verhalten – Behavior. The manner in which one acts or conducts oneself.
  • Vorsicht – Caution. The act of being careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
  • Verhandlung – Negotiation. The process of discussing terms to reach an agreement.
  • Verlust – Loss. Refers to the state of no longer having something or someone, often with a negative impact.
  • Verschwörung – Conspiracy. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
  • Verordnung – Regulation or decree. An official rule or law issued by an authority.
  • Verstand – Mind or intellect. The ability to think, reason, and understand.

This list provides a snapshot of German words starting with V, offering insight into a range of concepts and everyday terms.