Palavras que começam com X em alemão

Words that start with the letter X in German are relatively rare, but here is a list of notable examples:

  • Xenon: A noble gas used in various lighting and imaging applications, Xenon is utilized in high-intensity lamps and as an anesthetic agent in medicine.
  • Xylophon: This is the German term for “xylophone,” a musical instrument consisting of wooden bars struck with mallets to produce sound.
  • Xyloide: Referring to a material or object made of wood, this term is used in a more technical or scientific context.
  • Xylit: Known as “xylitol” in English, xylit is a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in various food products, especially in sugar-free gum and dental care items.
  • Xylographie: This refers to “xylography,” the art or process of engraving on wood, often used in printmaking and creating artistic impressions.
  • Xenophile: A person who is attracted to or has a great interest in foreign cultures or people, this term highlights a positive appreciation of diversity.
  • Xenophobie: The German word for “xenophobia,” meaning an irrational fear or dislike of people from other countries or cultures.
  • Xenolith: A geological term referring to a rock fragment that is foreign to the igneous rock in which it is embedded.
  • Xenogamie: This term means “xenogamy,” a type of plant reproduction involving cross-pollination between different plant species or individuals.

Each of these words showcases a unique aspect of language and application within different fields.