French Nouns That Start With Q

When learning French, it can be helpful to focus on commonly used nouns to build your vocabulary. Below is a list of 37 French nouns that start with the letter “Q” and their translations.

Common French Nouns Starting with Q

  • la qualité (the quality)
  • la quantité (the quantity)
  • le quartier (the neighborhood)
  • la question (the question)
  • le quotidien (the daily life)
  • le quai (the platform/wharf)
  • la quarantaine (the quarantine)
  • le quadrillage (the grid)
  • le quadruple (the quadruple)
  • le quatuor (the quartet)
  • la querelle (the quarrel)
  • le questionnaire (the questionnaire)
  • le queue (the tail/line)
  • la quête (the quest)
  • la quinzaine (the fortnight)
  • le quinquennat (the five-year term)
  • le quiproquo (the misunderstanding)
  • le quota (the quota)
  • la quittance (the receipt)
  • le quiz (the quiz)
  • le quinquagénaire (the person in their fifties)
  • le quark (the quark)
  • la quietude (the tranquility)
  • le quadrimestre (the four-month period)
  • la quinine (the quinine)
  • le quignon (the crust of bread)
  • le quartz (the quartz)
  • la quincaillerie (the hardware store)
  • le quadrupède (the quadruped)
  • le quota (the quota)
  • le quartier général (the headquarters)
  • la quadrature (the squaring)
  • le quadrilatère (the quadrilateral)
  • le quasi-totalité (the near-totality)
  • la querelle (the quarrel)
  • le questeur (the quaestor)
  • le quantificateur (the quantifier)

Different Groups of Nouns

In the following you will find examples of French nouns starting with “Q” divided into different groups of nouns:

1. Gender-Based Nouns

Maskulina substantiv

  • le quai (the platform/wharf)
  • le quartier (the neighborhood)

Le train part du quai numéro trois.
(The train departs from platform number three.)

Feminina substantiv

  • la qualité (the quality)
  • la question (the question)

La qualité de ce produit est excellente.
(The quality of this product is excellent.)

2. Number-Based Nouns

Singular Nouns

  • le quotidien (the daily life)
  • la quarantaine (the quarantine)

La quarantaine a duré deux semaines.
(The quarantine lasted two weeks.)

Plural Nouns

  • les quartiers (the neighborhoods)
  • les questions (the questions)

Les quartiers de cette ville sont très diversifiés.
(The neighborhoods of this city are very diverse.)

3. Proper vs. Common Nouns

Proper Nouns

  • There are no common proper nouns in French starting with “Q.”

Common Nouns

  • le quai (the platform/wharf)
  • la quête (the quest)

Le héros se lance dans une quête pour trouver un trésor perdu.
(The hero embarks on a quest to find a lost treasure.)

4. Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

  • le quai (the platform/wharf)
  • la question (the question)

J'ai posé une question importante lors de la réunion.
(I asked an important question during the meeting.)

Uncountable Nouns

  • la qualité (the quality)
  • la quarantaine (the quarantine)

La qualité de l'air est meilleure après la pluie.
(The air quality is better after the rain.)

5. Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns

Concrete Nouns

  • le quai (the platform/wharf)
  • le quartier (the neighborhood)

Le quartier où j'habite est très calme.
(The neighborhood where I live is very quiet.)

Abstract Nouns

  • la qualité (the quality)
  • la quarantaine (the quarantine)

La qualité de vie dans cette région est remarquable.
(The quality of life in this region is remarkable.)

Sample text

Here is an example text where we are using different French nouns that start with “Q”:

French Version

Hier, je me suis promené dans mon quartier pour profiter du beau temps. C’est un quartier tranquille, avec des rues bordées d’arbres et des petits cafés. En marchant, j’ai rencontré un ami qui attendait son train sur le quai de la gare. Nous avons discuté un moment avant que son train n’arrive.

Après l’avoir salué, j’ai continué ma promenade et je me suis arrêté dans une quincaillerie locale pour acheter quelques outils. Je cherchais un quignon à la boulangerie voisine, mais malheureusement, ils étaient déjà fermés. J'adore manger un morceau de quignon avec du fromage le soir.

Plus tard, je suis rentré chez moi et j’ai commencé à remplir un questionnaire pour une enquête sur la qualité des services publics de la ville. Ils voulaient recueillir des avis sur les espaces verts et la propreté des rues. En remplissant le questionnaire, j'ai réfléchi à la qualité de vie dans notre ville, et je me suis rendu compte à quel point j'apprécie de vivre ici.


Yesterday, I took a walk around my neighborhood to enjoy the nice weather. It’s a quiet neighborhood, with tree-lined streets and small cafés. While walking, I ran into a friend who was waiting for his train on the platform at the station. We chatted for a while before his train arrived.

After saying goodbye, I continued my walk and stopped at a local hardware store to buy a few tools. I was looking for a crust of bread at the nearby bakery, but unfortunately, they were already closed. I love having a piece of crust with cheese in the evening.

Later, I went back home and started filling out a questionnaire for a survey on the quality of public services in the city. They wanted to gather opinions on green spaces and street cleanliness. While filling out the questionnaire, I thought about the quality of life in our city and realized how much I enjoy living here.