Italienska övningar för framtida tid

The future tense in Italian is essential for expressing actions that will happen at a later time. Let's look into the structure of the Italian future tense and practice it with exercises.

The Structure of the Italian Future Tense

The Italian future tense is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of verbs. The conjugation pattern varies between regular -are, -ere, and -ire verbs, but follows a predictable structure once the rules are understood.

Regular -are Verbs

For regular -are verbs, drop the -are ending and add the following:

  • Io: -erò
  • Tu: -erai
  • Lui/Lei: -erà
  • Noi: -eremo
  • Voi: -erete
  • Loro: -eranno

Exempel: parlare (att tala)

  • Io parlerò (I will speak)
  • Tu parlerai (You will speak)

Regular -ere Verbs

For -ere verbs, drop the -ere ending and add the following:

  • Io: -erò
  • Tu: -erai
  • Lui/Lei: -erà
  • Noi: -eremo
  • Voi: -erete
  • Loro: -eranno

Exempel: credere (att tro)

  • Io crederò (Jag kommer att tro)
  • Tu crederai (Du kommer att tro)

Regular -ire Verbs

For -ire verbs, drop the -ire ending and add the following:

  • Io: -irò
  • Tu: -irai
  • Lui/Lei: -irà
  • Noi: -iremo
  • Voi: -irete
  • Loro: -iranno

Exempel: dormire (för att sova)

  • Io dormirò (I will sleep)
  • Tu dormirai (You will sleep)

Exercises for Practicing Italian Future Tense

Övning 1: Konjugera verben

Conjugate the following regular verbs in the future tense for each subject pronoun.

  1. Parlare (att tala)
  2. Scrivere (att skriva)
  3. Finire (för att avsluta)

Example Answer:

  • Io parlerò
  • Tu parlerai
  • Lui/Lei parlerà

Övning 2: Fyll i luckorna

Complete the sentences with the correct future tense form of the given verb.

  1. Domani io _______ (mangiare) una pizza.
  2. Loro _______ (partire) per Roma la prossima settimana.
  3. Noi _______ (visitare) il museo domani.

Exercise 3: Translate to Italian

Translate the following sentences into Italian using the future tense.

  1. We will travel to Italy next year.
  2. She will cook dinner tomorrow.
  3. They will finish the project soon.

Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense

Irregular verbs in the future tense follow their own patterns and require memorization. Some of the most common irregular verbs include andare (att gå), avere (att ha), och essere (att vara).

Future Tense Conjugation of “Andare”

  • Io andrò
  • Tu andrai
  • Lui/Lei andrà

Future Tense Conjugation of “Avere”

  • Io avrò
  • Tu avrai
  • Lui/Lei avrà

Exercise 4: Irregular Verb Practice

Conjugate the following irregular verbs in the future tense.

  1. Andare (att gå)
  2. Avere (att ha)
  3. Essere (att vara)