Words that start with S in Spanish

In Spanish, many words start with the letter S, each carrying its own unique meaning. Here’s a comprehensive list of words that begin with S, along with a brief description of each:

  • Saber – To know or to be aware of something. It can also refer to knowledge or expertise in a particular area.
  • Sabio – Wise or knowledgeable; someone who has profound understanding and insight.
  • Sabor – Flavor or taste. It describes the quality of how food or drink affects the senses.
  • Sala – Room or hall. It refers to a space within a building designated for a specific purpose.
  • Salud – Health; the state of physical and mental well-being. It is also used as a toast, meaning “cheers.”
  • Saltar – To jump or leap. It refers to the act of propelling oneself into the air.
  • Sano – Healthy or wholesome. It describes something that promotes well-being or is in good health.
  • Sapato – Shoe (primarily used in some Latin American regions). It refers to the footwear worn on the feet.
  • Silla – Chair. It is an item of furniture designed for sitting.
  • Simpatía – Sympathy or likability. It describes a feeling of compassion or friendliness.
  • Sonrisa – Smile. It refers to the facial expression of happiness or amusement.
  • Sopa – Soup. It is a liquid food typically made by boiling meat, vegetables, or other ingredients.
  • Suerte – Luck or fortune. It refers to the concept of chance or randomness affecting outcomes.
  • Suelo – Ground or soil. It refers to the surface of the earth or the land on which one stands.
  • Sufrir – To suffer or endure pain. It refers to experiencing discomfort or distress.
  • Sugerir – To suggest or propose. It involves putting forward an idea or recommendation.
  • Sombra – Shadow. It is the dark shape created when an object blocks light.
  • Sujetar – To hold or secure. It refers to the action of keeping something in place.
  • Santo – Saint or holy. It describes someone or something considered sacred or virtuous.
  • Silla – Chair. A piece of furniture designed to provide a seat.
  • Sistema – System. A set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole.
  • Sólido – Solid. Describes a state of matter that is firm and stable in shape.
  • Sopa – Soup. A liquid food made by boiling ingredients like meat and vegetables.
  • Salir – To go out or leave. It refers to the act of departing from a place.
  • Sombra – Shadow. The dark area or shape produced when an object blocks light.

This list includes a variety of words, showcasing the richness and diversity of vocabulary starting with S in Spanish.