The 20 Most Difficult Words in Spanish

Spanish is a beautiful and rich language, but like any language, it comes with its own set of challenges for learners. Here, we look into twenty of the most difficult words in Spanish and explain why they pose such challenges. We also provide example sentences to illustrate their use.


1. Desafortunadamente

Translation: Unfortunately

This word is tricky due to its length and the placement of stress. Learners often stumble over pronunciation and misspell it.

Example: Desafortunadamente, no puedo asistir a la reunión.


2. Desarrollar

Translation: To develop

The double ‘r' and ‘l' can be confusing for English speakers, leading to mispronunciation.

Example: Es importante desarrollar nuevas habilidades.


3. Entrelazado

Translation: Intertwined

The combination of consonants can be difficult to articulate smoothly.

Example: Los hilos están entrelazados en el tapiz.


4. Cascabel

Translation: Rattle

The ‘sc' and ‘b' sounds are challenging to combine and pronounce correctly.

Example: El gato llevaba un cascabel en el collar.


5. Rápidamente

Translation: Quickly

The combination of vowels and consonants, along with the stress, makes this word a pronunciation challenge.

Example: Ella corrió rápidamente para alcanzar el autobús.


6. Almohada

Translation: Pillow

The ‘h' is silent, and the combination of ‘l', ‘m', and ‘o' can be tough to master.

Example: Necesito una almohada más cómoda para dormir.


7. Fallecer

Translation: To pass away

This word is difficult due to its formal tone and the soft ‘ll' sound.

Example: Su abuelo falleció el año pasado.


8. Enmarañado

Translation: Tangled

The ‘nm' and the placement of stress make this a tongue-twister for many learners.

Example: Su cabello estaba enmarañado después de la tormenta.


9. Malinterpretar

Translation: To misunderstand

The length and the combination of ‘l', ‘i', and ‘r' can lead to mispronunciation.

Example: Es fácil malinterpretar mensajes de texto.


10. Paralelepípedo

Translation: Parallelepiped

This geometric term is rarely used in daily conversation but poses a challenge due to its length and complexity.

Example: El paralelepípedo es una figura geométrica tridimensional.


11. Ventanilla

Translation: Small window

The double ‘l' and the subtle difference from ‘ventana' can confuse learners.

Example: Compré mi billete en la ventanilla de la estación.


12. Emborracharse

Translation: To get drunk

The reflexive form and the double ‘r' make this word particularly tricky.

Example: No deberías emborracharte en la fiesta.


13. Desenfundar

Translation: To draw (a weapon)

The ‘enf' sound and the length make it a challenging word to pronounce correctly.

Example: El policía tuvo que desenfundar su arma rápidamente.


14. Alborotador

Translation: Troublemaker

The combination of ‘b', ‘r', and ‘t' can be difficult to enunciate properly.

Example: El alborotador fue expulsado del estadio.


15. Sobreesdrújula

Translation: Superproparoxytone (a type of word stress)

This linguistic term is challenging due to its length and complex syllable structure.

Example: La palabra “dígamelo” es sobreesdrújula.


16. Zarigüeya

Translation: Opossum

The ‘z' sound and the unusual combination of letters make this a difficult word to pronounce.

Example: Vi una zarigüeya en el jardín anoche.


17. Reivindicar

Translation: To claim, to reclaim

The ‘ei' diphthong and the ‘d' sound make it tricky for learners to get right.

Example: Los trabajadores quieren reivindicar sus derechos.


18. Anticonstitucionalidad

Translation: Unconstitutionality

This extremely long word is hard to pronounce and remember due to its length and complexity.

Example: Están discutiendo la anticonstitucionalidad de la ley.


19. Desenlace

Translation: Outcome, ending

The combination of ‘s', ‘e', and ‘n' sounds can be tricky to master.

Example: El desenlace de la película fue inesperado.


20. Aterciopelado

Translation: Velvety

The ‘ciop' combination and the length of the word can trip up learners.

Example: El gato tenía un pelaje aterciopelado.


These words, while challenging, are integral to mastering Spanish. Practicing their pronunciation and usage in sentences can significantly aid learners in becoming more fluent and confident in their Spanish-speaking abilities.